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European Union

  • End of the 2 world war

    End of the 2 world war
  • Cold War (USA vs USSR)

    Cold War (USA vs USSR)
  • Shunan (France) and Federal German Republic (Alemania] reconciliation

    Shunan (France)  and Federal German Republic (Alemania] reconciliation
  • European coal and steel community. 6 countries join in the European Union

    European coal and steel community. 6 countries join in the European Union
  • Treaty of Rome (CAP)

    Treaty of Rome (CAP)
  • Merger treaty

    Merger treaty
  • Spain and Portugal joins in the European Union

    Spain and Portugal joins in the European Union
  • Fall the Berlin wall

    Fall the Berlin wall
  • Maastricht treaty. The European Union is created and have new powers

    Maastricht treaty. The European Union is created and have new powers
  • Austria and Finlandia join in the European Union. They have 15 members

    Austria and Finlandia join in the European Union. They have 15 members
  • Amsterdam treaty

    Amsterdam treaty
  • The central bank is created

    The central bank is created
  • Constitucional treaty and 10 countries join in the European Union

    Constitucional treaty and 10 countries join in the European Union
  • Crisis in European zone

    Crisis in European zone
  • Migrant crisis

    Migrant crisis
  • UK exits the European Union

    UK exits the European Union