[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

  • Period: to

    Maurice Duplessis era

    *Cause: The Union National elected.
    -After WWII
    -Interventionist Federal Government-- equalization payments
    - provinces angry about lost power
    *What happened: Duplessis believed in economic liberalism, provincial autonomy + clericalism.
    -believed in a traditional way of life -- encouraged agriculture -- electricity to farmers,
    -church involvement: healthcare + education
    -American companies exploit natural resources
    *Result: Quebec more independent, more religion. (class notes 9+10)
  • Adoption of the Quebec flag

    Adoption of the Quebec flag
    *Cause: Duplessis wants provincial power-- Independent of Federal Gov
    -Criticize equalization system
    -creation of flag
    -Made it clear to Federal the values of Duplessis
    *Impact: Later premiers would continue vouching for Quebec independence
    -eventually creates more distinct Quebecquois culture (Class notes, slide 10)
  • Asbestos Strike

    Asbestos Strike
    *cause: Workers want better conditions, more $
    -Duplessis against unions-- thinks them communist
    -Duplessis supports Employers
    *What: strike, police violently acted to suppress it
    *Impact: Common workers treated badly, led to more protests + hatred of Duplessis (class notes 14+16)