[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

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    Baby Boom

    After WW||, birth rates increased drastically. This increased about of babies and families growing increased demand for more housing, education and jobs! This led to increased population in Quebec (and most places in Canada), the need for education, healthcare, urban expansion and overall economic growth. (Page 218 Reflections).
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    The Duplessis Era

    The premier of Quebec was Maurice Duplessis (Union Nationale). The Prime Ministers of Canada were William Lyon Mackenzie King,Louis St.Laurent and John Diefebaker. Duplessis focused on rural conservatism,Catholic influence(for example on education and healthcare),and provincial autonomy (Page 211,214,215 Reflections).Due to Duplessis's policies related to education and healthcare, it delayed Quebec's Modernization, ultimately leading to the public pushing for more social progress in the future.
  • Act to Promote Rural Electrification

    Act to Promote Rural Electrification
    During this time, many rural communities lacked electricity, limiting ecomnomic growth and modern living. Duplessis decided to expand electricity to these areas, ultimatley improving farm productivity! Later on however, Hydro-Quebec would take full control over Quebec's Electricity. (Page 213 Reflections)
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    Immigration from Western & Eastern Europe and China

    Between 1945 and 1960, Quebec experienced a rise in immigration (20000-30000 immigrants per year). (Page 219 Reflections). This shaped Quebecs Modernization by increasing urbanization, workforce diversity, and economic growth, which slowly shifted Quebec away from its traditional rural focus.
  • Adoption of the Fleurdelisé

    Adoption of the Fleurdelisé
    Quebec lacked an official flag reflecting its french heritage so the Fleurdelisé became Quebecs official flag! This strengthened Quebec nationalism.
  • Refus Global Manifesto Published

    Refus Global Manifesto Published
    Intellectuals and artists opposed Duplessis’ conservative rules and policies relating to the Churches control over society so they published a manifesto entitled Refus global. They wanted to publicly protest against social conservatism. The impact this event had on Quebec's future was that it is in a way, related to how the Quiet Revolution pushed for secularism, education reform and an overall cultural change. (Page 216 Reflections)
  • Asbestos Strike

    Asbestos Strike
    Workers demanded better wages and conditions but instead of listening, Duplessis sided with the employers. This caused a violent conflict between workers and the government however this did stregthen labor unions and increased calls for economic reform and workers rights.