Allies begin to take over Caucasus Island
Casablanca Conference happens in Spain
14-24 -
First bombing raid on Germany by The US
Japanese evacuate Guadalcanal
Germany surrenders at Stalingrad
Germany withdrawls from Tunisia
Japan attacks and takes over the Solomon Islands
Waffen SS attacks jewish resistance
Roosevelt announces the execution of men involved in Doolittle Raids
US invades Attu in the Aleutian Islands
German and Italian troops surrender in Africa
Jewish resistance ends in Warsaw Ghetto
US troops invade Tarama and Makin
US begins submarine warfare on Japan
Himmler orders liquidation of all Jewish ghettos in Poland
US begins to bomb Wake Island
Allies land in Sicily
Allies bomb Rome
Americans capture Palermo and Sicily
Mussolini arrested, facist govt in Italy fails
US attempts to block Japanese convoys south of the Kolombangara Islands
Germans evacuate Sicily
12-17 -
Italy surrenders to Allies
Germany occupies Rome
Germans rescue Mussolini
Mussolini re-establises Facsist Govt
Japan executes 100 American POWs
Emperor Hirohito states that the current situation in Japan is grave
US marines invade Bougainville
Japanese end resistence in Tarawa and Makin