The Allies begin to take over the Caucasus Islands
Period: to
Churchill and Roosevelt in Casablanca, French Morocco.
Roosevelt announces that the war can only end with "unconditional German surrender" -
First bombing raid by Americans on Germany (at Wilhelmshaven)
They destroyed two-thirds of the ports buildings -
Japanese begin to evacuate Guadalcanal
Germans surrender at Stalingrad in the first big defeat of Hitler's armies
Germans begin a withdrawal from Tunisia, Africa
U.S. codebreakers pinpoint the location of Japanese Admiral Yamamoto and shoot him down
Waffen SS attacks Jewish resistance
The Waffen SS is the armed wing of the Nazi's SS organization -
President Roosevelt announces that the Japanese have executed several men from the Doolittle Raid
U.S. invades Attu in the Aleutian Islands
German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa
Jewish resistance ends in the Warsaw ghetto
56,000 Jews were captured and deported
7,000 Jews were killed -
Japanese end their occupation of the Attu Islands
U.S. begins submarine warfare
Himmler, the Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffel, orders the liquidation of all Jewish ghettos in Poland
U.S. begin to bomb the Japanese on Wake Island
Period: to
Allies enter Sicily
Allies bomb Rome
Americans capture Palmero, Sicily
Period: to
Mussolini arrested and the Italian Fascist government falls
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A group of 15 U.S. PT-boats attempt to block Japanese convoys south of Kolombangra Islands in the Solomon Islands
Period: to
Germans evacuate Sicily
Italian surrender to Allies is announced
Germans occupy Rome
Germans rescue Mussolini
Mussolini re-establishes a Fascist government
Japanese execute approximately 100 Americans POW's on Wake Island
Emperor Hirohito states that his country's situation is "truly grave"
It means that they're in great danger -
U.S. marines invade Bougainville in the Solomon Islands
U.S. troops invade Makin and Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands.
It is known as "Bloody Tarawa" due to the bloody 76 hour battle that occurred -
Japanese end resistance on Tarawa and Makin