
By tb2019
  • War Production Board created

  • Smith Connally War Labor Disputes Act of 1943

  • The Casablanca Conference

    The 11-day conference between Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, with their respective countries, took place in Casablanca, Morocco. Its purpose was to discus plans for military action during the war. Unconditional surrenders from Germany, Japan, and Italy, were also requested.
  • Allied victory in Tunisia

  • The Tehran Meeting

    Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin took part in the Tehran Conference, hosted in Iran. Operation Overlord was one of many things that resulted from this meeting,
    Source: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-attends-tehran-conference
  • D-Day

    Officially known as Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy occurred on this date during World War 2.This was a joint operation between the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, to liberate France from German occupation.
  • U.S. Battle at Iwo Jima

    One of the most iconic battles during World War 2, this was an attack on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima. In this battle alone, over 7,000 U.S. marines died along with 21,000 Japanese soldiers. This was part of the U.S. "island hopping" campaign due to the important location of the island as an airfield. Sadly, the island was not used as a U.S. airbase after they won control of the island.
  • U.S. President FDR dies

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died from a cerebral hemorrhage while on a vacation in Warm Springs, Georgia. His wife, Eleanor, was not with him at the time of his death. Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as president the same day.
    Sources: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-dies
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler ended his life by ingesting a cyanide pill, and just for extra measure,shot himself in the head. He was with his wife of two days, Eva Braun, who also poisoned herself. Both bodies were then burned, and the ashes were taken by the invading Soviets.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the defeat of Nazi Germany. For America and Britain, this was the end of fighting with Germany, but in the USSR, Germans were fighting until the next day.
  • Atomic bomb "Little Boy" dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

    Hiroshima was a manufacturing center only 500 miles from Tokyo. The Japanese were issued an option for unconditional surrender, which they refused in July. "Little Boy"--a 9,000+ pound atomic bomb--was the first usage of nuclear material in a war effort. The blast destroyed 5-sq.mi., and people in the surrounding are were warned prior to the detonation. Hopes were to speed up Japan's surrender.
  • "Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki, Japan

    With Japan's failure to surrender, the U.S dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan, this time on Nagasaki. Although this bomb was larger than the one dropped on Hiroshima, the surrounding hills reduced its area of destruction to only 2.6 sq. mi. Japan surrendered within days.
  • Japan surrenders

    Marking the official end of World War 2, Japanese leaders surrendered, signing treaties onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan. This was after many battles and two atomic bombs being dropped on Japanese soil.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson became the first black player on the Brooklyn Dodgers--or any major league in history--on this date. Interestingly, he to had gone to court over failure to comply with segregation laws--on a bus.
  • Displaced Persons Act of 1948

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

  • 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    This amendment gave term limits for the president, which would prevent rule similar to that of a monarch. Also, this was passed after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth term in office--one of the longest in U.S. history.
  • U.S. Presidential Election of 1948

  • U.S. Presidential Election of 1952

    Republican candidate: Dwight Eisenhower (442 electoral votes)
    Democratic candidate: Adlai Stevenson (89 electoral votes)
    This election also saw: Progressive, Prohibition, Socialist, Socialist Labor, Socialist Workers, and Constitution Party candidates. Eisenhower won the election by a large lead.
  • John Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier

    John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Kennedy Bouvier in a Roman Catholic church near Newport, Rhode Island. Both were married for less than ten years at the date of Kennedy's assassination, having two children. Jacqueline remarried in October 1968.
    Source: https://www.history.com/topics/first-ladies/jacqueline-kennedy-onassis
  • Democratic Republic of Vietnam

    The Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or North Vietnam was created during the Geneva Accords, which ended on this date. The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam in to two sections at 17 degrees North latitude (the 17th parallel), leaving the North section to communist control, and the southern section to be occupied by the U.S.