
  • Manhattan Project

    The first atomic bomb detonated at New Mexico Alomagordo bombing and gunnery range. This was a project done by the United States, and was later used to end the part of World War II by using said weapons on Japan.
  • Long Telegram

    Important telegram sent by George Kennan from Moscow to Washington. Where the idea containment originated from.
  • The Cold War: A Study in U.S. Foreign Policy

    A book written by Walter Lippman criticizing the ideas of Kennan and Truman, as well as predicting the climate of the conflict with the Soviet Union as being a Cold War. A Cold War being defined as where no shots are fired but where the US and The Soviet Union will be in a stalemate of sorts between ideology and political agendas.
  • NSC 68

    National Security Memorandum 68 issued in response to the threat of the Soviet Union and the spread of Communism. It supported to amass a stronger political, economic, and military in response.
  • Korean War

    After World War II Korea was divided between North and South at the 38th parallel. The North was being administered to be the Soviet Union and the South was being administered to by the United States. When North Korea attacked South Korea the UN mobilized forces under general Douglas MacArthur from the U.S. in July.
  • Cease fire suggested

    A soviet ambassador to the UN suggested a cease fire, and the United States accepted, but it took 2 years for it to finally stop the war and peace to be established.
  • The Hydrogen Bomb

    The first hydrogen bomb to be detonated on Elugelab Atoll in the Marshal Pacific Islands and was vaporized in the explosion.
  • End of Korean War

    President Eisenhower penned the Armistice and got both the North and the South to sign it. The Korean War was considered as the "forgotten war".