Operation Barbarossa
- seek out lebensraum for the master German race
Heydrich instruction to Einatsugruppen commanders
- leading communist officials, jews in the service of the party or the state and other extremist elements were to be executed and pogroms by local people were to be encouraged
Heydrich issued that "all jews" among Russian PoWs were to executed by the SS
The Wannsee Conference
- intended to resolve the logistical arrangments for a programme aimed at a 'complete solution of the jewish question' -chaired by heydrich
- atmosphere of agreement on the part of the participants,
Hitler secret directive insiting that the Bloshevik/Jewish intelligentsia in the USSR tmust be eliminated
Operation Reinhard
Gassing of 2 million jews in the central government -
The End of Aushwitz
-Himmler issued an order forbidding the 'further annihalataion of Jews"
- not sure why
- could be de to labour shortages