1940's Timeline Project

  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The Red Scare occurred in the U.S.. It was about the promotion of widespread fear by a society or state about potential rise of communism, anarchism, or racial leftism. This happened because people feared of Bolshevism and anarchism.
  • The First Military Draft

    The First Military Draft
  • The First Tom and Jerry

    The First Tom and Jerry
    The First "Tom and Jerry" was created by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera in America. It is a short film that centers on a rivalry between a cat and a mouse where the cat tries to capture a mouse that constantly outsmarts him.
  • Ordering of the Auschwitz concentration camp

    Ordering of the Auschwitz concentration camp
    Heinrich Himmler, a leading Nazi and Reichsfuhrer of the SS, ordered the establishment of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Germany. Because he served for Hitler, Heinrich received authority to carry out ideological policies that the laws of the state might not permit
  • Murder of Harry Greenburg

    Murder of Harry Greenburg
    On August 20 Louis Buchalter murdered Harry Greenberg. Louis was an American mobster and head of the Mafia hit squad Murder, Inc. Louis was worried his men within his incorporation would squeal on his killings if they were to get arrested. Greenberg then made a stupid decision which made Louis decide to erase him from his "people to worry about" list.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, the Japanese fighter planes attacked and destroyed the US naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii to prevent Pacific fleet from interfering with the Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies and Malaya.
  • Japanese Internment (March)

    Japanese Internment (March)
    These internment camps were where Japanese people were rounded up, relocated out of the West-Coast, and imprisoned during World War 2. FDR ordered an executive order for this to happen since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor a year earlier.
  • White Rose (June)

    White Rose (June)
    The White Rose was a anti-Nazi group where people spoke out against Nazi genocidal policies. The White Rose was created by two siblings, Sophie and Han Scholl. They mailed out mimeographed leaflets that denounced the Nazi regime. They did this because they didn't like the way Jews were being treated and wanted to attempt to stop war effort.
  • Rosie Riveter

    Rosie Riveter
    Rosie Riveter was an icon of World War 2 who represented women all around who took the place of men in factories and shipyards. When the men came back, the women were booted out of their jobs. Rosie the Riveter was started to promote feminism and other political beginnings.
  • Invasion of Italy

    Invasion of Italy
  • D day

    D day
  • Cold War

    Cold War
  • Hiroshima
