Poland gets attacked
Germany attacks Poland on Sept. 1st and France, Australia, and the Untited Kingdom declare war on Germamy. Hitler and the Germans ambushed Poland from Land and air. He used extensive bombing and made sure that by the end there was no resistance. -
Russian troops invade
Russia invaded Finland on Novemeber 30, 1939. They invaded Finland mainly because they wanted to exchange land with them, so Russia would be better protected as the second war began. -
Mussolini and Hitler, two peas in a pod
Mussolini and Hitler announce Italys official alliance against England and France. -
The German Blitzkrieg begins, Dutch cities are attacked by air and by the end of the month the Dutch cities will have surrendered, Belgium will have surrendered and the evacuation of British and French troops from Dunkirk will have started. -
Soviet troops invade Russia, breaking the "nonaggression" pact. 2 days later President Roosevelt promises aid to Russia. -
Pearl Harbor
On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked ,by Japanese planes. It almost wiped out the U.S.'s navy completely . -
Internment camps
Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered all Japanese people to relocate. 110,000 total, 75,000 of those who were Citizens of the United States. They were relocated to internment camps were they stayed for approximately 3 years. -
The first nuclear chain reaction is produced at the University of Chicago in the Manhattan project, by physicists Arthur Compton and Enrico Fermi. -
Race Riots
Race Riots in Detroit and Harlem cause 40 deaths and 700 injuries! -
Korematsu vs. United States
The United States Supreme Court rules in Korematsu vs. the United States that the wartime internment camps for the Japanese were valid.