Period: to
Japan & China sign a peace treaty
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president of the United States
Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor of Germany
FDR makes his first "fireside chat" speaking to the United States population over the radio.
Several thousand Americans attend a pro-Nazi rally in Queens. New York.
Germany passes law restricting college enrollment of Jews. Similar legal discrimination already exists in the United States.
Supreme Court declares FDR's Natl Recovery Act unconstitutional
In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are passed revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews.
Spanish Civil War begins
Formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
FDRs Quarantine Speech calls for international cooperation against aggression.
Germany signs military agreement with Japan.
Romanian Jews are stripped of their citizenship.
Anschluss: Austria is annexed by Germany.
The Jewish refugee ship the St. Louis arrives in Belgium after being denied access to Cuba and the United States. Most of the passengers are eventually murdered by the Nazis.
Germany invades Poland from the west.
German troops invade Denmark and Norway.
British forces land in Norway.
Soviet Union renews pact with Germany.
Germany attacks the Soviet Union
Japanese land in Solomon Islands.
The United States first attacks the Japanese by air.
German surrender in Tunisia.
German forces mount a new offensive in Russia.
Allied landings south of Rome in Anzio.
Japanese invade India.
Daylight air-raid on Berlin.
Liberation of Philippines complete.