September 1931: Japan Invades Manchuria
the Japanese attacked and took Manchuria. then is set up a puppet government. Also they began to build factories and mines. -
October 1935: Italy attacks Ethiopia
The italians invaded Ethiopia under General Rodolfo Garziani. their forces steadily pushed back the porly armed forces. this was a major victory because of lake Ascianghi. -
March 1936: Germany occupies Rhineland
Hitler sent trops in to the Rhieland a demilitarized zone. he denounced the locarno pact and began remilitarizing. France gave in and kept the peace. -
July 1937: Japan invades China
china recived support from other countries. japan killed thousands of civilians. also the japanese used their air force and killed several more thousand chinese. -
March 1938: Germany annexes Austria
ausrtian Nazis conspired to seiz Austrian government. hitler and his troops marched and took control of Austria. also he appointed a new Nazi government. -
September 1938: Germany takes Sudetenland
met and agreed to the coseion. hitler was not content and demanded teritories to be put under hs control. finaly they agreed to give some teritories to the germans -
March 1939: Germany seizes Czechoslovakia
hitler met with the czech president. he threatened a bombing raid unless he was given passage into czechoslovakia. also this gave him entry into Prague. -
April 1939: Italy conquers Albania
Musslionis badly orginized trops invade Albania. Albania didnt have much to offer them economicaly. also it only had future inport and exports buisnesses to offer.