
  • Wall street crash

    Wall street crash
    The stock markets crashing caused the unemployment rate to go up.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    This was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damage the ecology and agriculture. Black Sunday was the worst dust storm to happen and it was on April 14, 1935. The storms caused many families to have to abandon their farms to find better circumstances, that weren't as severe as what they had experienced.
  • Empire State Building was opened

    Empire State Building was opened
    Taking a year and forty-five days, the building was finally opened for business.
  • The Golden Gate Bridge was built

    The Golden Gate Bridge was built
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Emergency Banking Act
    This act provided for the reopening of banks. Assuring that they were now financially secure.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt became president

    Franklin D. Roosevelt became president
    Roosevelt launched ¨The New Deal", which were federal programs which were supposed to help during the great depression times.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This was the most ambitious American New Deal agency. It employed many people to carry out public work projects, including the work of establishing public buildings and roads.
  • Hindenburg catches on fire

    Hindenburg catches on fire
    The German passenger airship caught on fire and came crashing down at the Naval Air Station Lakehurst in Manchester Township, New Jersey. This accident resulted in 36 fatalities.
  • Passed the Fair Labor Standards Act

    Passed the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    This was claimed to be the most widespread war in history. This formed two opposing military alliances: the allies and the axis. It was estimated that 50 million to 80 million people died during this time. There wasn't a single thing that caused the war, it was a bunch of thing put together. Many countries had to rebuild after this occurred.
  • The Helicopter was invented

    The Helicopter was invented