Period: to
Great Depression
"The Dirty Thirties" -
1931 the Empire State building was opened
•1932 - Two black American women, Louise Stokes and Tidye Pickett qualify for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, but are not allowed to compete.
Salary declined after Great Depression
After the great depression salaries for professional athletes and teams rapidly declined. -
21st ammendment ended prohibition
13 year old Marjorie Gestring won a gold medal in the spring board diving event.
Nazi germany invades poland starting world war 2
Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
- Phillip K. Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, establishes the All-American Girls Softball League, the forerunner of the All-American Girls Baseball League (AAGBL).
D-Day Invasion of Normandy
atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima
Franklin Roosevelt dies Truman becomes president
Winston Churchhills iron curtain speech
employment act
Invention of polaroid camera
1947 Jackie Robinson Breaks color barrier in baseball
Big Bang Theory Formulated
Soviet Union tests first atomic bomb