1930-1945 timeline JA

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler emergence as chancellor in 1933, January 30th, this marked a crucial turning point for Germany and for the world.
  • Reoccupation of Rhineland

    In 1935, Hitler unilaterally cancelled the military clauses of the treaty and in March 1936 denounced the Locarno Pact and began remilitarizing the Rhineland.
  • Unification with Australia

    German troops marched into Austria. Hitler announced his Anschluss and a plebiscite was finally held on April 10.
  • Munich agreement

    It was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders
  • Occupation of Czechoslovakia

    German troops marched into Czechoslovakia. They took over Bohemia and established a protectorate over Slovakia.
  • Invasion of Poland and deceleration of war with Britain and France

    In response to Hitlers invasion of Poland, Britain and France, both allies of the overrun nation declared war on Germany.
  • Battle of France

    It was a German invasion of France and the low countries during the second world war.
  • Battle of Britain

    It was a combat of the second world war, when the royal air force defended the United Kingdom against German air force attacks
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese planes attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans, And it completely destroyed the American Battleship U.S.S