1930-1945 Jay

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • Re-occupation of the Rhineland

    Hitler went against the Munich agreement and re-colonized the Rhineland
  • Unification with Austria

    Austria and Germany united as one to form a "Greater Germany". (Anschluss)
  • The Munich Agreement

    This allowed Germany to colonize a portion of Czechoslovakia.
  • Occupation of Czechoslovakia

    German troops marched into Czechoslovakia and took over Bohemia and established a protectorate over Slovakia.
  • Invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland was a joint invasion by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union
  • Declaration of war with Britain and France

    Britain and France had sworn to defend Poland and sent ultimatums to Hitler, he refused to reply.
  • Battle of France

    The battle of France was the German invasion of France and the low lying countries.
  • Battle of Britain

    The Royal Air Force defended against the German Air Force Attacks.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    This was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United Sates naval base at Pearl Harbor. The US later dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan who later surrendered.