1930-1945 A.D.

  • After election, Nazi's become second largest political party in germany

  • Japanese troops began invading and occupation of Manchuria

  • Franklin Roosevelt elected president

  • Japan widthdrawls from the league of nations

  • Germany widthdrawls from the league of nations

  • 'Night of the Long Knives' threatened Hitler's power

  • 'Long March' of Chinese communists led by Mao Zedong begins.

  • Italy annexes Etheopia

  • Civil war begins in spain with fascist general fransisco franco leading the 'nationalists' andgainst the 'loyalists'

  • Anti-Conmiterm pact signed by germany and japan

  • spanish city of guernica destroyed by german planes, as a symbol of anti-fascism

  • soviet plurge of red army officers begins

  • war between japan and china beigns following the 'marco polo bridge accident'

  • germany announces union with austria

  • italy enacts Anti-Sentism laws

  • german troops occupy sudentenland

  • nationalist troops deize barcelona

  • nazi's occupy all of czechoslovakia

  • german forces invade poland. WWll begins in europe

  • united states procalims its neutrality

  • hitler declares victory over poland, calls for peace between britian and france

  • assassination attempt on hitler

  • soviet union invades finalnd. winter war begins

  • finland signs a peace treaty with the soviet union

  • germany invades denmark and norway

  • italy declares war with france

  • battle of britain begins

  • italian forces invade egypt

  • german troops invade romania

  • italy invades greece

  • german air-raid on coventry, england

  • british forces invade crete

  • the first gassing of prisioners in auschwitz

  • all joined nations sign the alliance of nations

  • italy declares war on germany

  • leningrad relieved after 900 days of german seize. more than a million citizens starved to death

  • the nazi party becomes illegal in germany

  • Italian forces invade Etheopia

  • united nations comes formally into action

  • the trial of the nazi's crimes begin