1930 - 1939

  • Period: to

    Countries allow womans suffrage

    Turkey, Chile, Thailand, and Romania
  • Japan invades Mahcuria

    They setup a puppet state after the false flag attack in September 1931
  • The Gestapo is Established

    The Gestapo is Established
  • Franklin Roosevelt is President of the USA

    Franklin Roosevelt is President of the USA
  • Hitler becomes Chanceler of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chanceler of Germany
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia
  • Nuremberg Laws Established

    Hitler Establishes the Nuremberg Laws aimed at stripping rights away from Jewish people in Germany.
  • Government of India Act is established

    This law grants self-government to Indians and protects Musilms who were a minority in India at the time.
  • Spanish Civil War breaks out

    Spanish Civil War breaks out
  • Japan launches full on war with China

    Japan launches full on war with China
  • Germany annexes Astria and Sudetenland

  • Night of broken Glass

    Jewish businesses were trashed on the night of broken glass. 25,000 men were put in prison, and 90 were murdered
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    In Hitlers lightning war he manages to invade Poland.