1929-33 Nicaragua
This was around US occupation of Nicaragua that was this very small country in Central America. This lead by Augusto Cesar Sandino but his original name Augusto Nicolas Calderon Sandino. Lead the people against the U.S marines. This lead to into guerrilla warfare around this time. Later they kick the USA out of the area and withdrew U.S. occupation January 1933. -
1933- London Economic Conference
London Economic Conference has representatives from 66 different nations around the world. It’s purpose was to stabilize the exchange rates. They needed to fight the global depression that happened because World War 1. Plus this time Adolf Hitler took over Germany and start the rise of Nazi party in that country took before World War 2. The United States was going through the great depression during this time. -
1935- Neutrality act of 1936
This act made us not give up weapons when they in a war. This also a citizen of usa travel other regional at their own risk. This main was in effect because great depression. This also lock hand into giving out weapons for the montel while they are in this. -
1936-Spanish Civil War
Usa declare to stand out of this civil war declared are natural in this. But American Catholic supported nationalist party that was facist. Also support left wing republican party. At day this was over us to weak a point to thing or not even care about at the time. -
1941- July 30
US,UK, and Dutch banded together to make trade embargo on japan that would start the process us and japan but before the Excavation of the event. Diplomatic reason they made this to avoid a direct conflict with japan at time. The main item that chosen not give to them is oil because japan can not make by them because land they are on. Main lead them to bomb pearl harbor. -
1941- August 13
This is pretty important in the world war this is when Atlantic Charter happened. The place took place in was Newfoundland,Canada. US and Uk gain on based Four main freedom of FDR. Also that agree no territorial claims that would start end all empire around the world will play after war mainly in africa. The last thing to note the allies from WW1 agree on it to and evenly start formation Untied Nation as we know today. -
1941- December 7-11
December 7 is the day pearl harbor attack happen and USA declare war on japan than very next Germany sink US warship than on 11th of that year declared on us and via. So much happen in that span of time make WW2 main player come like us calls war in took few hours after harbors and us turn into wartime government in only 24 after those attack. It wasn’t for those us would enter later in the war. -
1943- October 30
This is when USA with Uk and Soviet union made a statement. It was to make sure the allied after they destroy the axis. That make german leader pay for what that does. Also was their promise after war on axis and it was a friendly way to say just surrender become your going to win. -
1943- November
Usa, uk and korea was meeting about life after the war. This took place in Cairo Conference. The main thing came out of this conference. They will return the territory that japan took and give back to korea. It is also noteworthy Usa, uk and soviet union leader met at tehran conference. -
Monetary and Financial Conference was happening in july of that year. It was in New Hampshire it was more about world bank if want name of the bank it is called International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Why were they talking about this. War aid. Basicly it their rebuild thing that destroyed during the war. -
Yalta Conference was an agreement that took between allied. Europe would be divided into two that is east and west. I am everyone know the come of this because this start cold war. This is put lot thing into future. -
1945- June 26
That is around the time UN( United Nation) start. San Francisco hosted first event. This is when important event happen. GB,FRA,USA,Chain and Soviet Union have the power to veto vote. Today these nation are in tier 1 UN forever. Also another evert happened that was V-J day. It day japan surrender. -
1945- July 17- August 2
Potsdam Conference was the event allied three main leader gave the final warming to japan. This is when Stalin told of atomic bomb. That allies give Japan last chance to surrender but that didn’t listen that end up drop to two nuke on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but it didn’t until august of that year. At end of the Germany divided between allies to be occupation. -
This is when USA and France made a agreement. US would forget that France own them. It was basic 2.8 billions dollars in today's world it would be maybe trillion club. In exchange movie from United State will be shown. -
1947- Truman Doctrine
This one documents start US war path against communism. The truman doctrine basic say. U.S government can do whatever take to stop communism that made by Soviet. The first two us when into was Greece and Turkey. This also start the long spends Cold War between USA and Soviet Union.