
By sjdh
  • President Harding dies; Vice President Coolidge takes Office

  • The Election of 1924

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Calvin Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes.
  • Scopes Trial Concludes

  • Sacco and Vanzetti Are Executed

  • Amelia Earhart Becomes the First Woman to Fly across the Atlantic Ocean

  • The Election of 1928

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Herbert C. Hoover and Charles Curtis.
  • The Great Depression Begins

  • Germany Invades Poland; World War II Begins

  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

  • The Motion Picture Production Code Appears

    These codes would be a set of self-governing rules for Hollywood, determining how certain things should or should not be portrayed in motion pictures.
  • Ford Model B is Introduced

  • The Election of 1932

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner.
  • The New Deal is Established

  • Eight New Programs are enacted by Roosevelt to Relieve Depression Tensions

  • The Twentieth Amendment is Ratified

    The 20th Amendment moved the beginning and ends of the terms for Presidents and Vice Presidents from March 4th to January 20th.
  • The 21st Amendment is Ratified

    The 21st Amendment ended prohibition.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

  • The Federal Housing Administration is Established

  • The Election of 1936

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner.
  • Hindenburg Disaster

  • Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act established the first peacetime draft.
  • The Election of 1940

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry A. Wallace.
  • Atlantic Charter Drafted by the U.S. and UK

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • The United States Declares War on Japan

  • The United States Declares War on Germany and Italy