Warren G. Harding
inaugurated as the 29th President of the United States -
Anglo-Irish Treaty
he war would churn on for another two years before the parties came to the negotiating table beginning in July 1921, days after a truce that ended the war came into effect. The talks took months and were eventually signed at 2:20 am on December 6, 1921. Those involved included the British Prime Minister David Lloyd-George, Irish President Éamon de Valera and other figures such as Winston Churchill and Michael Collins. = -
Taking advantage of the chaotic condition of Germany
Hitler served in the German army in World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross for. ... Bolsheviks; 1922-11-30 Hitler speaks to 50,000 national-socialists in Munich; 1923-01-13 Taking advantage of the chaotic condition of Germany, Hitler stages a demonstration of 5000 stormtroopers and denounces the 'November crime'. -
Mahatma Gandhi released from jail
Sentenced to six years of imprisonment. Released from Yervada prison on 5 February 1924 unconditionally after an operation on 12 January 1924. 05th May 1930: At 12.45 A.M. arrested at Karadi near Dandi for violating Salt Law, imprisoned without trial and released -
Benito Mussolini dissolves the Italian parliament and proclaims himself dictator of Italy, taking the title "Il Duce" (the Leader)
It worked, and Mussolini was appointed prime minister that same year. By 1925 Mussolini had dismantled Italy's democratic institutions and assumed his role as a dictator, adopting the title Il Duce (“The Leader”). Learn more about the fascist squads. -
Mackenzie King
is re-elected as Prime Minister of Canada is re-elected as Prime Minister of Canada -
Henry Ford announces that he is ending production of the Model T Ford
Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company produce the last (and 15th million) Model T Ford / Tin Lizzie -
Benito Mussolini modifies Italy electoral system (abolishes right to choose)
Benito Mussolini. Fascist Party. Elected Prime Minister. Benito Mussolini. Fascist Party. General elections were held in Italy on 24 March 1929. By this time, the country was a. This process did not assure that the vote was really secret. and also made Mussolini the only person competent to determine the body's agenda. -
Herbert Hoover
inaugurated as 31st US President 31st US President -
US President Herbert Hoover places a one year moratorium on war debt payments
Hoover Moratorium: A public statement issued by U.S. President Herbert Hoover on June 20, 1931, proposing a one-year moratorium on payments of World War I and other war debt and postponing the initial payments and the interest; Hoover hoped it would ease the coming international economic crisis. -
Amelia Earhart Flies Across the Atlantic
But five years before she vanished, Earhart landed in a small Northern Irish pasture and broke another aviation record - she was the first woman to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic. She had set off from Newfoundland in Canada and when she arrived in Ireland a farmhand asked her if she had flown far - she replied: "from America." -
President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor of Germany who forms a government with Franz von Papen
Hindenburg was re-elected in a runoff. He was opposed to Hitler and was a major player in the increasing political instability in the Weimar Republic that ended with Hitler's rise to power. He dissolved the Reichstag twice in 1932 and finally agreed to appoint Hitler Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. -
W.E.B. Du Bois resigns position at NAACP
During this period the NAACP was the leading protest organization and Du Bois its leading figure. In 1934, Du Bois resigned from the NAACP board and from The Crisis because of his new advocacy of an African American nationalist strategy that ran in opposition to the NAACP's commitment to integration. -
Supreme Court declares FDR's National Recovery Act unconstitutional
The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was a prime New Deal agency established by U.S. president Franklin D.In 1935, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously declared that the NRA law was unconstitutional, ruling that it infringed the separation of powers under the United States Constitution. -
Adolf Hitler announces construction of the Volkswagen Beetle (the People's Car, aka the Käfer/Beetle)
After the war, production soared aided by an iconic advertising campaign "Think small". Nicknamed "the Beetle" overtook the Model T Ford as the best-selling car in the world in 1972, selling over 15 million. It was only after 80 years that Volkswagen announced in 2018 that it would finally cease production in 2019. -
German airship Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ (36 die)
The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in the United States. of the 97 people on board there were 35 fatalities. One worker on the ground was also killed, making a total of 36 dead. The disaster, caught on newsreel coverage and in photographs shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying Zeppelins and marked the end of the airship era. -
Adolf Hitler seizes control of German army and puts Nazis in key posts
Hitler served in the German army in World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross. Adolf Hitler seizes control of the German army and put Nazis in key posts. -
Adolf Hitler threatens Jews during his speech to the German Reichstag (Parliament)
Hitler speaks before the Reichstag (German Parliament) Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv. of the Jews to survive and expand at the expense of Germans, the Nazis. Jews as communist subversives, as war profiteers and hoarders. -
Benito Mussolini and Italy join Hitler in Germany's war against France & Britain
On this day in 1940, after withholding formal allegiance to either side in the battle between Germany and the Allies, Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy, declares war on France and Great Britain. ... Britain and France were also wooing him with promises of territorial concessions in Africa in exchange for neutrality. -
US President Franklin Roosevelt makes his "Four Freedoms" speech (freedom of speech and worship; freedom from want and fear) during his US State of Union address
Also, in memorable phrases, he envisioned a better future, founded upon four freedoms: the "four essential human freedoms," some traditional and some new ones. The four freedoms he outlined were freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear