
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    The immigration act limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota.
  • The Revenue Act

    The Revenue Acta imposed a tax to defray the expenses of government especially
  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan was a plan to ensure payments of reparations by Germany after World War I.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes president

  • The U.S. Stock Market Crash

    he U.S. Stock Market Crash was a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a major cross-section of a stock market, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth.
  • FDR becomes president

  • World War II begins

    WWII was fought mainly in Europe and Asia
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor took place when Japanese planes filled the sky over Pearl Harbor. Bombs and bullets rained onto the vessels moored below, killing many American citizens.