Us marines flag mount suribachi iwo jima february 1945


  • the Teapot Dome Scandal

    the Teapot Dome Scandal
    The Presidency of Warren Harding is remembered almost exclusively for its corruption. The Teapot dome scandal is perhaps the greatest example of this. Harding had a habit of appointing
    personnel friends to his cabinet regardless of merit. Some of these friends accepted bribes from oil companies in exchange for access to lands so they could use the land as they saw fit.
  • The First Transatlantic Flight

    The First Transatlantic Flight
    Charles Lindbergh was the first to cross the Atlantic ocean in one constant trip in his plane The Spirit of St. Louis. This flight showcased the power of modern technology to shrink the world.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a cataclysmic in both U.S. and international history. It was a period marked by poverty and desperation, and it placed a burden on an entire generation that was almost too heavy for them.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Neat the turn of the decade, the prevailing hope for the future which was so common in the 1920s would be dismantled by a turn in fate. Also called the Fall of '29, a crash of the stock market would be the final push off the edge into the Great Depression.
  • The Star Spangled Banner is adopted as the US National Anthem

    The Star Spangled Banner is adopted as the US National Anthem
    The Star Spangled banner had been known and appreciated by Americans for years. The song was written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key. However, it wasn’t adopted as the national anthem until 1933.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected President
    F.D.R. is one of the most well known presidents in American history. He lead the nation through the Great Depression and WW II. Agree or disagree with some of his policies, his ability to lead the nation in times of conflict and strive command respect.
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    World War 2

    The Second World War once again plunged the world into conflict like never before. It was the perfect sequel, with higher stakes, increased action, and consequences that are felt to this day.
  • The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The quiet of the morning was broken in the skies and seas of O'ahu when 180 Japanese bombers initated a sneak attack on the U.S. navel base at Pearl Harbor. Thousands were killed and several battleships were sunk. This attack is what ultimately lead the U.S. into the War.