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    The Great Depression

    An economic low point in American history after the stock market crashed in 1929. It sent Wall Street into chaos and wiped out investors across the country.
  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market started to rapidly fall, and shares dropped from $262 to just $22.
  • Manchurian Incident

    Japan attacks China for its land. It is known as Manchurian Incident in Japan and The Sept 18 Incident in China.
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    The Dust Bowl

    A series of severe droughts hit the US from Texas to the Dakotas in the middle of the Great Depression.
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    Civilian Conservation Corps

    This employed young men on conservation and
    reforestation projects.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Roosevelt declares a “bank holiday,” closing all banks to
    swiftly push the Emergency Banking Act through congress. This act gave the government control of the baking system.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    The act provided direct cash to state relief agencies struggling to care for the unemployed.
  • Social Security Act

    The act provided for old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and economic aid, based on means, to assist both the elderly and dependent children.
  • Court Packing Scheme

    The name of the proposal by President Roosevelt in 1937 to increase the size of the Supreme Court and reduce its opposition to New Deal legislation. The measure failed to pass in Congress and increased resentment toward Roosevelt.
  • European War starts

    The european warfront officially starts when Germany invades Poland on Sept. 1, 1939.