
  • 1921

    The Emergency Immigration Act
  • 1921

    Warren Harding becomes President.
  • 1921

    Washington Conference of 1921
  • 1922

    Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party
  • 1924

    Dawes Plan
  • 1925

    Scopes Trail
  • 1927

    The Flight of Charles Lindbergh
  • 1928

    The Neutrality Acts
  • 1928

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
  • 1929

    Black Tuesday
  • 1931

    Manchuria Invaded
  • 1931

    Manchuria Railroad Explosion
  • 1932

    Roosevelt Promises a New Deal
  • 1933

    The Good Neighbor Policy
  • 1934

    The Nye Committee Investigation
  • 1935

    The Invasion of Ethiopia
  • 1936

    The Invasion of Rhineland
  • 1937

    Roosevelt Delivered his Quarantine Speech
  • 1937

    The Panay Sank
  • 1939

    Munich Agreement
  • 1939

    The Non-Aggression Pact
  • 1940

    The Tripartite Act
  • 1941

    Raid on Pearl Harbor