
  • The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties
    This was the decade where the western culture and society were introduced.
  • The 1920's Inventions

    There were many inventions in the roaring twenties that helped America become what it is today.
  • The Lie Detector/ Polygraph was invented

    The Lie Detector/ Polygraph was invented
    It was invented by John A.
  • The Bandaid was Invented

    The Bandaid was Invented
    Earl Dickson invented the first band aid.
  • The first Drive-in was invented

    The first Drive-in was invented
    It was invented by Kirby's Pig Stand in Dallas Texas
  • Warren G. Harding was Inaugurated

    Warren G. Harding was Inaugurated
  • The first Convertible was invented

    The first Convertible was invented
    Ben P. Ellerbeck invented the first convertible.
  • Calvin Coolidge Inaugurated 30th President of the United States

    Calvin Coolidge Inaugurated 30th President of the United States
  • The Great Mississippi Flood

    The Great Mississippi Flood
    It was the most disastrous flood in the history of America.
  • President Herbert Hoover was Inaugurated

    President Herbert Hoover was Inaugurated
  • Herbert Hoover Inauguration

    Herbert Hoover Inauguration
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash was when the prices and economy crashed.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugurated

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugurated
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugurated

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugurated
    He was the 32nd President of the United States
  • World War II Started

    World War II Started
    World War II started and it was the time that Hitler took control.
  • Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the Naval Base in Hawaii.

    Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the Naval Base in Hawaii.