
  • Wilson’s Presidency term

    Wilson’s Presidency term
    Wilson served 2 terms as president and led the United States through the First World War. He also created the League of Nations and segregated the federal workforce. He stopped being president in 1921.
  • WWI

    When: 1914 - 1918
    What: military forces from all around the world fought each other until the Treaty Of Versailles was created and signed
  • Lusitania

    When: May, 1915
    What: the Lusitania was a passenger ship that got blown up by the German Navy, this prompted the US to join the World War
  • Great Migration Timeframe

    Great Migration Timeframe
    The was the time period where African Americans migrated from southern America to north or east or west America. Ended 1970.
  • Year of first woman elected to Congress

    Year of first woman elected to Congress
    Rankin was the first woman elected to congress as a republican candidate. She fought to improve healthcare for infants and women and better working conditions
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    Lenin led a Russian Revolution
    Vladimir Lenin led a revolution to overthrow the government and eventually take over as the head of the newly communist Russia.
  • Selective service act

    Selective service act
    Required men from ages 21-30 to register for war.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    This act punished any kind of espionage or suspected espionage that could hurt the United States.
  • Influenza epidemic

    Influenza epidemic
    ended in 1920, this was a deadly flu that spread around the world due to the world war.
  • Wilson’s 14 points

    Wilson’s 14 points
    This was a speech he made to try to get congress to sign the treaty of Versailles
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    this made it illegal to say bad things about the government
  • Schneck vs US

    Schneck vs US
    This decision made it so that words that pose a danger are illegal even though we are given free speech
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Woodrow wilson created the League of Nations as a way for countries to solve disputes before they turn into wars. This league ended at the start of World War II.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    This amendment gave white women the right to vote.
  • US senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    US senate rejects Treaty of Versailles
    This decision was made because congress wanted to make sure none of their powers were taken away. For example, their power to declare war.
  • Flappers

    Flappers were women who wore short dresses, skirts, and cut their hair out of their hatred for societal norms. They did this all throughout the 20s.
  • “The Age of Innocence” -Edith Wharton

    “The Age of Innocence” -Edith Wharton
    This was a book that made fun of the hypocrisy of the golden age.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Ended in 1923. One of Harding’s cabinet members illegally sold oil reserves to oil companies and pocketed the money.
  • William Jennings Bryan death

    William Jennings Bryan death
    Bryan was a former Secretary of State when Woodrow Wilson was president.
  • Steamboat Willie

    Steamboat Willie
    This was one of Disney’s first movies which features mickey the mouse. This clip is used in the beginning of every Disney movie now.