Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey was a political leader during the 1920s. He would move black citizens to start gaining power and becoming stronger in their communities. Garvey would have events of him giving speeches and influencing African Americans that over 25,000 people would attend. Garvey overall was a leader for the black community to bulid their strength and power in the 1920s -
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
The Sacco and Vanzetti case was the murder mystery of two known radicals and their crimes. The two Italian men were said to have shot and killed a paymaster and his guard while they were in their business. They were not clearly stated to have been the murders but since they were known criminals at this time, the blame was set on them. The two men were then taken to court and were set up for execution by the electric chair. -
The Farm Crisis
The farm crisis was based around high production for military needs in World War 1. The cost of the 1920s costed more than they have any other year. By June 1920, crop prices averaged 31 percent above 1919 and 121 percent above prewar prices in 1913. In summary, the farm crisis was the fued of prices and workers. -
Teapot Dome Scandal
The Teapot Dome Scandal was the leasing or selling of oil in the United States that was reserved for our military. Albert Bacon Fall was said to have taken our oil that was saved for our military and to have sold it for his own use to gain more money. This incident dragged in President Warren G. Harding due to the two both working together. When the scandal was found, Harding called to cancel all sells. The Teapot Dome Scandal was basically the selling of our needed oil. -
The Armaments Congress Ends
In the year 1922, the Armaments Congress came to an end. The congress ending would lead to an agreement between the major world powers of the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Italy, and the United States. The “Five Power Disarmament Treaty” said to limit naval construction, ban poisonous gas, respect China’s sovereignty, and restrict submarine attacks on merchant fleets. -
Klu Klux Klan reborn
In the year 1924, the KKK began to rise once again and bring attention to their group. In this time, klan activities would occur in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Georgia, and Texas. The Klan dominated politcs to such a level that one could not be elected without the support of the KKK. Subsequently, the Klu Klux Klan regained its popularity and interest from other people in the United States. -
Trade and Arms Control
Trade and Arms Control was all based around exportation and what weapons were being made and there were at thus point in time. In 1924, Charles G. Dawes who was an American diplomat negotiated an agreement between France, Britain, and Germany that said that American banks would make loans to Germany that would enable it to make reparations payments. The United States would end the weapon race and they invited representatives from 8 countries to D.C. to discuss disarmament. -
The Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial is the debate of a teacher teaching his students the Theory of Evolution. The teacher was found breaking the Butler Act by teaching this to his students. By teaching that men have evolved from apes, Scopes was charged with breaking the law. At this time period, classes or schools were not permitted to be taching their classes of this theory. In all, the Scopes Trial was the case of a high school teacher that was said to be have breaking the law by teaching his students a theory. -
The Commerce Act
On May 20th, 1926 the Commerce Act was passed across the United States. The Commerce Act provides aid and assistance to the airline industry. This act also adds federal insight under the Department of Commerce for civil air safety. -
Popular Culture
The 1920s were also known as “The Roaring 20s” due to its fabulous culture and popular insights during this time. The popular culture included new vehicles, jazz music, different kinds of movies, and nightclubs. There were new forms of movies coming out, nightclubs lit up all night, and the life of flappers. The 1920s were a wild time for the cities due to all of the newer and better things rising to the surface. Subsequently, The Roaring 20s got its name from its fabulous lifestyle.