
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment was the start of prohibition. It put a ban on the consumption or sale of alcohol. Even though people wanted alcohol to be banned because they thought that it was gonna stop crime, it actually was the total opposite. Organized crime groups were created and they brought a lot of hardships to the city. The government lost a lot of revenue because there were no alcohol sales.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Was a group created after World War 1 under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. It was an international organization that brought attention to health, labor, and refugee issues that were going on in the world. The League of Nations had many meetings that were held around the world. They took stance against many world issues.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment was created to give any American the right to vote and that they shouldn't be denied based on their sex, or race. This was the Amendment that gave woman the right to vote, and woman had been fighting for this right for many years. It took a lot of hard work and dedication for woman to get the right to vote.
  • American professional football

    American professional football
    The NFL started in Canton, Ohio, 1920. This was a new sport that not a lot of people were familiar with. It took a huge leap in society when the radio was created because many fans could listen to the games at home. There were originally 14 teams in the NFL.
  • Election of Harding

    Election of Harding
    This election was huge because it was the first election after world war 1. A lot of stuff was going on during this time period and the American people were ready for a change. Woodrow Wilson ran against Harding and Harding ended up winning. People were tired of the Democrats running the country.
  • Emergency Quota act

    Emergency Quota act
    This was an immigration restriction that put a limit on who could come into the country. People didn't want immigrants coming into our country and this was an act the supported that. Immigrants were allowed to stay, but it was very hard for new immigrants to come into America.
  • Mussolini

    Mussolini was the Italian dictator that was part of the axis powers. He overthrew the previous Italian government and he believed in fascist views. Many Italians supported him because the previous government wasn't any good. He also treated Jews poorly and stripped them of their Italian citizenship. He committed multiple war crimes by bombing and using mustard gas.
  • Immigration act

    Immigration act
    Again, this was another act that limited the immigrants coming into our country. This law put restriction on Italians, Easter Europeans, Africans, and Jews. During this time there was a lot going on in the world and Americans didn't feel comfortable letting everyone in our country. This act made it really hard for new immigrants to come to America.
  • Limitation of Armaments congress

    Limitation of Armaments congress
    This was a foreign policy that put bans on many war tactics. They didn't want another world war to break out, but if it did there had to be restrictions. This was just a meeting that put restrictions on some of the previous war tactics used.
  • Death of Harding

    Death of Harding
    Harding died of a heart attack his second year into his term. Calvin Coolidge came to power right after he died. It was a tough time when he died because America was in distress. There was a lot going on during this time and Harding dying took a toll on the country.
  • FBI

    FBI was created to investigate crimes within the US. The FBI investigate big crimes. Edgar Hoover was in charge of the FBI for close to 30 years. He was notorious for prosecuting murderers and kidnappers.
  • Scopes monkey trial

    Scopes monkey trial
    This was a trial in Tennessee that convicted a teacher for teaching evolution to his students. There was a law at this time that fined teachers for teaching any theories that deny divine creation of man. Eventually the supreme court overturned the verdict.
  • Mt. Rushmore

    Mt. Rushmore
    A mountain in South Dakota with the faces of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Teddy Roosevelt. It took almost 14 years to create and is still standing today. The faces on the mountain are considered to be some of the most important people in United States history.
  • Charles Lindberg's flight

    Charles Lindberg's flight
    In May 1927 Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic in a solo aircraft. He flew nonstop from New York to Paris and he was just 25 years old when this even occurred. There were about 100,000 people waiting for Charles to land in Paris.
  • Chinese civil war

    Chinese civil war
    This was a fight between the communist party of China, and the government of China. Many Chinese people fled to Tawaiin or other parts of Asia to get away from the violence. Many Chinese citizens died during this period and the communist party eventually took power of China
  • The jazz singer

    The jazz singer
    This was an American music festival in 1927. There were many different directors that were in attendance for this festival. It was also one of the first films with dialogue. This was a very successful film and it was the start of synchronized dialogue in movies.
  • Admiral Byrd's flight

    Admiral Byrd's flight
    In 1928 Admiral Byrd made a trip to Antarctica with 2 ships and 3 planes. He was the first person to reach the north and south pole by flying. This was a big event in America because not many people had visited that part of the world and Admiral Byrd did it by aircraft.
  • Steamboat willie

    Steamboat willie
    Steamboat Willie was an animated film in 1928 and was directed by Walt Disney. This cartoon was in black and white and was considered the start of mickey mouse. This was one of the first Disney movies and the start of animated cartoons.
  • Valentines Day massacre

    Valentines Day massacre
    This massacre happened in Chicago 1929. 7 gangsters were gunned down while transporting alcohol. Al Capone is considered to be the person behind this act but he was never linked to it. This was a big day in America because it showed that organized crime was violent and not afraid to kill.
  • Stock market crash

    Stock market crash
    On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed because there were over 16 million shares exchanged in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost and millions of people went broke. This led to the great depression and many people were trying to find work. 30 percent of the workforce was unemployed.
  • Amelia Earhart's solo flight

    Amelia Earhart's solo flight
    In 1932 Amelia Earhart took off and flew form Newfoundland to Ireland. She completed the trip and it lasted about 15 hours. She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean.
  • Rise of the Nazi party

    Rise of the Nazi party
    Hitler came to party in 1933 but the Nazi party started in 1918. They believed in the Aryan race and if you weren't you should be held accountable. The started in Germany and eventually led into eastern Europe.