1920s-30s timeline

  • Residential schools

    Residential schools were established in Canada in the 19th century With the first one opening in The 1870s they were part of a government-led initiative to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture children were taken from their families sent to these schools where they were forbidden to speak their native language is or practised their cultural traditions the school aimed to strip indigenous children.
  • Group of seven

    The Group of Seven was a significant group of Canadian artists who started their work in 1921 they focused on painting Canadian landscapes distinctive Style capturing the beauty and essence of the country's wilderness the group consisted of re-owned artists like Emily Carr Lawren Harris and plenty of other people their work played a crucial role in shaping Canadian art and identity.
  • Insulin

    In 1922 the discovery of insulin was a significant breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels before the discovery of insulin diabetes was a life-threatening condition with no effective treatment .this discovery made a turning point in the medical history field