1920 Timeline

  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This movement was a decade-long fight for woman to get the right to vote. The 19th Amendment was passed by Congress on June 4 ,1919 and ratified on August 18, 1920. Woman finally get the right to vote.
  • Period: to

    1920 Timeline

  • Emergency Quota Act Passed

    Emergency Quota Act Passed
    The Emergency Quota act is an act to limit immigration of aliens into the United States. President signed the quota to establish a temporary system to limit immigration. This legislation utilized immigration statistics to determine a maximum number of immigrants allowed to enter the United States from each nation or region.
  • Railway Strike

    Railway Strike
    The Great Railroad Strike began in July and lasted about two months. Seven of the sixteen major railway unions at the time joined to protest wage cuts. Eventually many of the workers would agree with their local railroads.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    The oil reserves in California was only supposed to be used for emergencies involving the Navy. The Navy owned this oil; only meant for the Navy’s use. William Howard Taft secretly sold this oil for his own profit. He was soon caught.
  • First Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

    First Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
    The first annual Macy’s Day Parade was held on November 27, 1924. This parade is always held in New York City. Researchers say that after the parades they would let the floats go into the air, people would find them in random spots several days later.
  • The Scopes Trial

    The Scopes Trial
    The Scopes Trial was also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial. John Scopes faced prosecution for teaching an evolution class in Tennessee. The issue with him teaching this class was that it went against people religious beliefs. He was told not to teach this lesson, but that never stopped him.
  • Theory Of Evolution

    Theory Of Evolution
    Teaching The Theory Of Evolution was forbidden in Atlanta, Georgia, schools. The main reason this was such a big issue was because parents weren’t happy that this lesson went against religion. This is something people still aren’t happy about.
  • Ford Model A

    Ford Model A
    Henry Ford reveals the Ford Motor Company’s newest vehicle, the model A. This Ford was released in December. Ford Model A had seven different body types and was available in four colors.
  • Mickey Mouse appears on Steamboat Willie

    Mickey Mouse appears on Steamboat Willie
    The cartoon star Mickey Mouse appears on November 18th in Steamboat Willie, which was an animated 1928 short film produced by Walt Disney. Steamboat Willie was premiered on November 18th. After this, Disney created more shows including Mickey Mouse.
  • The Stock-Market crashes

    The Stock-Market crashes
    The Stock-Market crashes on October 28th. The effect of the Stock-Market crash was the Great Depression. The United States was in a world-wide crisis. The Great Depression lasted for ten years.