1920's timeline

By GavinN
  • Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for armed robbery and murder

    Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for armed robbery and murder
    Sacco and Vanzetti two anarchists were arrested for allegedly robbery and murder
  • KDKA goes on the air from Pittsburgh

    KDKA goes on the air from Pittsburgh
    KDKA made the US's first commercial broadcast on radio
  • 1st Miss American Pageant

    1st Miss American Pageant
    Margaret Gorman won the 1st Miss American pageant
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    this was a bribery scandal involving President Warren G. Harding from 1921 to 1923.
  • 1st Winter Olympics Held

    1st Winter Olympics Held
    the first Winter Olympics ever held
  • The Great Gatsby published by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    The Great Gatsby published by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes "The Great Gatsby" for the first time.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    A trial on whether or not evolution should be taught in the classroom.
  • Charles Lindberg completes solo flight across the Atlantic

    Charles Lindberg completes solo flight across the Atlantic
    Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic by himself which was the first time that had ever been done
  • The Jazz Singer debuts (1st movie with sound)

    The Jazz Singer debuts (1st movie with sound)
    The first ever commercially successful movie with sound as well as being the first movie ever with sound
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    Al Capone's men dressed as police officers pretending to arrest rival gangsters lined them up, and executed them on the spot.
  • Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash)

    Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash)
    This is the date of the stock market crash ending the roaring 20's on a very very sad note.