
  • Prohibition begins

    Prohibition begins
    Prohibition was the total ban of alcohol in the United States. It caused places like speak easys. The also lead to mobs and gangsters.
  • Senate declines League of Nations

    Senate declines League of Nations
    The Senate decides not to join the League of Nations. In the treaty of versialls it states that if a country goes to war all there allies join them. They decided it was best for the United States not to join.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    This amendment gave woman the right to vote. After years of fighting for suffrage they got there votes. They protested in front of the White House
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    The first Yankees stadium is built

    The first Yankee stadium held many memories for Yankees fans. The got to see there team dominate everyone. They also saw so many dynasty's
  • Tariffs go up

    Tariffs go up
    The tariffs went up so much because the American stock market was doing so good. They also boosted domestic ecomany during the 1920s. But also helped Hitler rise to power.
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    Tea pot dome scandal

    It was a scandal about oil for money. It was for military and military only. But warren Harding was accused for it
  • President Harding dies

    President Harding dies
    After having a stroke the president of the United States Warren Harding dies. He died in San Francisco and it was sudden. The death is believed to be a stroke.
  • Mickey Mouse is created

    Mickey Mouse is created
    The main staple of Disney is created. Mickey Mouse came along fast in plays. Mickey Mouse is still a main staple today.
  • St Valentine's Day massacre

    St Valentine's Day massacre
    It was a attack on a rival gang of al capones many believe he planed the attack. The attack involved people dress as police officers. They made seven people line up on the wall and they killed all of them.
  • The stock market crashes

    The stock market crashes
    In the 1920s most Americans played the stock market. So when it crashed it caused most Americans to go broke. It lasted the whole way through out the 1930s