1920 Movies & Radio

  • Crystal Radio Invented

    Crystal Radio Invented
    These radios used a piece of lead galena crystal and a cat whisker to find the radio signal. They were invented by Jagadish Chandra Bose and G. W. Pickard. It helped many people to listen to the radio as they were easy to make from home. Many magazines gave instructions to create the radio and nearly all the supplies to make it could be purchased for 6 dollars.
  • Radio Corporation of America

    Radio Corporation of America
    By licensing telephone lines, RCA created America's first radio network and called it the national broadcasting company. People around the world were able to listen to the same radio broadcast. Made money by selling ads over the radio.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Charlie Chaplin started the craze for movies with his first feature in "The Kid." He revolutionized how films (comedy) are made. He started acting at the age of 10 to support himself.
  • World Series Broadcast

    World Series Broadcast
    The first time the radio broadcasted the world series between the Giants and the Yankees. It resulted in an increased interest for listening to the radio.
  • First radio station in Chicago

    First radio station in Chicago
    It is called KYW, and it played opera six days a week, until the opera trend ended. Many people used the radio because there were no televisions. The radio was used for newspaper being read.
  • Roger's Batteryless Receiver Model 130

    Roger's Batteryless Receiver Model 130
    It was the typical radio in the 1920s since it is battery operated. It has three dials and contains five identical tubes. It helped in an enormous upsurge in radio popularity since it was battery powered.
  • Federal Radio Commission

    Federal Radio Commission
    A government body that created the Radio Act 1927, and it regulated radio use for the public interest. It revoke all licenses, then assigned frequencies and power levels.
  • First Movie with Dialogue

    First Movie with Dialogue
    Silent films were extremely popular in the 1920s, but in 1927 the first talking movie was released, The Jazz Singer. By 1929, almost no silent films were being released.
  • Car Radio Invented

    Car Radio Invented
    Paul Galvin first incorporated the radio in an automobile. Paul Galvin wanted to listen to music and the news in the car and this set up a trend which continues today. This invention made it more convenient for people to productively use their time while driving to listen to the news.