Timeline with Attitude: Evaluating Progress and Decline for Canadians (1914-1929)

  • Battle at Ypres

    Battle at Ypres
    Ranking: -1
    The Battle of Ypres, where Canadians faced deadly chlorine gas attacks, resulted in significant loss of life and trauma for soldiers. This marked a period of hardship and decline for Canadian troops.
    Theme: Political/Military
    Primary Source Evidence: Photo of soldiers at Ypres or a gas attack scene.
  • 1917: Black Canadian Construction Soldiers

    1917: Black Canadian Construction Soldiers
    Ranking: 0
    The enlistment of Black Canadians in construction battalions, while allowing them to serve, also reflected ongoing racial segregation and inequality in the military.
    Theme: Social
    Primary Source Evidence: Image of a Black Canadian construction battalion.
  • 1917: Women Nurses in the War

    1917: Women Nurses in the War
    Ranking: +1
    Women serving as nurses during the war represented progress in women's participation in crucial roles, highlighting their capability and contribution to the war effort.
    Theme: Social
    Primary Source Evidence: Photograph of women nurses on the battlefield.
  • 1918: Women's Suffrage Movement

    1918: Women's Suffrage Movement
    Ranking: +2
    The women's suffrage movement led to Canadian women gaining the right to vote in federal elections, marking significant progress towards gender equality.
    Theme: Political/Social
    Primary Source Evidence: Suffrage posters or photos of women voting for the first time.
  • 1918: Change in Women & the Home Front

    1918: Change in Women & the Home Front
    Ranking: +1
    Women's increased participation in the workforce and other home front activities during the war showcased their adaptability and the shifting societal roles.
    Theme: Social/Economic
    Primary Source Evidence: Photos of women working in factories or managing households.
  • 1919: Creating an Air force

    1919: Creating an Air force
    Ranking: +2
    The establishment of the Canadian Air Force marked significant technological and military progress, enhancing Canada’s defence capabilities.
    Theme: Political/Military
    Primary Source Evidence: Early aircraft photos or air force symbols of canada.
  • 1919: Creating the French Regiment

    1919: Creating the French Regiment
    Ranking: +1
    The creation of a French regiment allowed for better representation and acknowledgement of French Canadian contributions to the military.
    Theme: Political/Military
    Primary Source Evidence: Photo of the French regiment.
  • 1920: Indigenous Rights

    1920: Indigenous Rights
    Ranking: -1
    Indigenous peoples in Canada faced continued oppression and lack of rights during the 1920s.This shows how not everyone felt that the decade was progressive.
    Theme: Political/Social
    Primary Source Evidence: Photo of Native children wearing non-native clothing.
  • 1920s Canada immigration policy

    1920s Canada immigration policy
    Ranking: -1
    The immigration policies of the 1920s in Canada were restrictive and discriminatory. This highlights that despite advancements in specific fields, laws and social factors kept hindering the development of specific groups of people.
    Theme: Social
    Primary Source Evidence: Photo of the 1919 immigration act.
  • Period: to

    1920: Economic Advancements of the 1920s

    Ranking: +2
    The economic boom of the 1920s brought about significant advancements in technology, industry, and overall prosperity for many Canadians, marking a period of progress.
    Theme: Economic
    Primary Source Evidence: Photos of booming industries or economic data charts.