Treaty of Versailles Signed
League of Nations
The first Robot
The Washington Conference is Held
The United States chad the Washington Conference, attended by Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. The Conference results in a naval weapons treaty that sets a ratio for tonnage of capital ships (over 10,000 tons, with guns bigger than eight inches) for Great Britain, the US, Japan, France, and Italy. This important becasue the weap[ons and ships that countries use now wouldnt be the same if this never happened. -
End of Russian Civil War
The Red Army completely secured power in 1923. More than 15,000,000 died, and industry had come to a stop. Starvation and disease were fast growing and the country was essentially in ruins. The new Soviet government implemented communist policies through military force as a significant portion of the population was leery of socialism. -
liquid fueled rockets.
Stalin in power in Russia
Stalin defeats the last of his major rivals for power in the period after Lenin's death. Over time Stalin's time brings forward industrialization, brutal police repression and purges, and rigid control over foreign Communist parties. -
Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
The American stock market crash starts a world wide depression. The worst of it was in Europe, from the summer of 1931 through the end of 1932 and in some places much longer. This affected the whole world. -
First Jet Engine
Hans von Ohain of Germany was the designer of the first working jet engine, This is important because jets are used by everyone now a days and a lot of the stuff that we do wouldn't be able to happen. -
Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
In an attempt to calm down the messof the German government, President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship. This affected the whole world because Hitler wanted to kill all the Jewish people and take over the whole world. He was one step closer to doing that. -
German Invasion Of Poland
Hans von Ohain of Germany was the designer of the first operational jet engine.