
  • 18th admendment

    The united states constitution stablishes prohibition in the u.s. Defined which intoxicating liquors were prohibited, and which were excluded from prohibition
  • Red Scare

    The term Red Scare denotes two distinct periods of strong Anti-Communism in the United States. Focused on national and foreign communists influencing society or infiltrating the federal government
  • Volstead Act

    The enabling legislation for the Eighteenth Amendment which established prohibition in the United States. It granted both the federal government and the states the power to enforce the ban by appropriate legislation.
  • Palmer Raids

    Attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport radical leftists. The Palmer Raids occurred in the larger context of the Red Scare.
  • 19th amendment

    Nineteenth admendment gives women the right to vote. Also prohibits any US citizen to be denied to vote.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market. Stock market crashes where external economic events combined with crowd behavior.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    President Warren G. Harding leased navy petroleum at the teapot dome. The navy converted from coal to oil.
  • National Orgins Act

    United States federal law that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country. Made permanent the basic limitations on immigration into the United States established in 1921
  • Scopes Trial

    The Scopes Trial formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes. John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach evolution.
  • Charles Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic

    Was the first to fly nonstop from New York to Paris over the atlantic ocean.
  • Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

    Anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during a 1920 armed robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts. After a controversial trial and a series of appeals, the two Italian immigrants were executed.
  • 1st talking movie The Jazz Singer

    The first feature-length motion picture with synchronized dialogue sequences. The movie stars Al Jolson, who performs six songs. Directed by Alan Crosland, it is based on a play by Samson Raphaelson.
  • Herbet Hoover

    Herbet Hoover was the 31st President of the United States. Hoover is the most recent cabinet secretary to be elected President of the United States,