1918 to 1939

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    It was one of the peace treaties that was signed at the end of World War I. It was signed on 28 June 1919. The people who signed the treaty were President Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister Lloyd George of Great Britain, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France and Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy.
  • japan

    Hara Takashi, the leader of the conservative party Seiyukai, assumed the position of Prime Minister.He was the first person of modest origins to take this role, and his success was taken as a good sign by Western observers.
  • japan

    Hara Takashi, a protégé of Saionji and a major influence in the prewar Seiyokai cabinets, had become the first commoner to serve as prime minister.
  • germany

    Communist revolutionaries attempt to seize control of Berlin but are defeated by Freikorps troops.
  • germany fact

    The spartacist uprising was stopped by freikorps in berlin
  • united states

    The 18th Amendment was ratified. This banned all sale, manufacture, transportation and consumption of alcohol in the United States.
  • germany

    german gov. meeting with Weimar making the Weimar Republic official and making Ebert the first president of the W.R and Schiedemann the first chancellor.
  • great britian

    The first meeting of the council of the League of Nations is held in London.
  • soviet union

    The First Congress of the Comintern began in Moscow.
  • great britian economical

    Parliament enacts legislation limiting the work week to 48 hours and establishing a minimum wage.
  • germay

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by all parties, formally ending hostilities in World War I.
  • soviet union political

    Leon Trotsky came in to office.
  • japan political

    Saito Makoto was appointed governor of Korea.
  • Great Britain Ecomonomical

    The Royal Air Force takes control of all British Airship operations.
  • United States Economical

    The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was founded with $20 million capitol.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    The first Bentley luxury car was invented.
  • United States Economical

    Congress passes the Esch-Cummins Act wich returned railroads to private operation after WWI.
  • Great Britain Political

    Winston Churchill announces plans to replace conscription with a 220,000 man volunteer army.
  • japan

    The two-party political system that had been developing in Japan since the turn of the century finally came of age after World War I.
  • Great Britain Economical

    The government proposes an annual tax on automobiles.
  • Japan Economical

    Prices collapse and a long stagnation begins.
  • Great Britain Political

    The First Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain opens in London.
  • Great Britain Political

    Parliament approves the Firemans Act instituting strict controls amd licensing of privately owned weapons.
  • Great Britain Political

    Parliament approves the Firemans Act instituting strict controls amd licensing of privately owned weapons.
  • United States Political

    The 19th amendment was passed which gave women the right to vote.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    Oxford University admits women to full degree studies for the first time.
  • Great Britain Economical

    The number of unemployed workers tops 1 million the government announces increased unemployment compensation.
  • Soviet Union Economical

    Gosplan, the economic planning committee of the Soviet Union, was created by a decree of the Sovnarkom.
  • Great Britain Social

    Rationing of coal begins.
  • United States Political

    Warren G. Harding was elected as president.
  • Great Britain Political

    Great Britain signs a trade agreement with Soviet Russia.
  • Great Britain Social

    Great Britain's first birth control clinic is opened by Dr. Marie Stopes in Holloway.
  • Soviet Union Political

    A decree of the Tenth Party Congress replaced war communism with the more liberal New Economic Policy.
  • Germany Social

    Guccio Gucci opens first boutique of fashion design in Florence.
  • United States Social

    The first Miss America Paegent is held.
  • United States Intellectual

    Earle Dickson invented the first band aid.
  • United States Intellectual

    The first pop up toaster was invented by Charles Strite.
  • Great Britain Social

    804 people died in England and Wales of influenza during this week.
  • Great Britain Social

    THousands of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered to stem an outbreak of foot and mouth disease.
  • Great Britain Political

    The government announces plans to reduce public expenditures by 87,000,000 Euros.
  • Italy Political

    Italy's king put Benito Mussolini at the head of Italy's government.
  • japan

    Kato represented Japan at the Washington Naval Conference at which the Allied powers arrived to accords fixing the number of battleships that each could possess: five for the United States, five for England, and three for Japan.
  • Great Britain Social

    Music Hall wins the Grand National. Only 3 of 32 horses finish the race.
  • Italy Social

    Fascists and communists battle each other in the streets. Fascists prevail with help from the government.
  • Japan Social

    The Japanese Communist Party was founded.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    The British Broadcasting company is established.
  • germany

    Italian fascist Benito Mussolini becomes the prime minister of Italy, after his successful ‘march on Rome’.
  • Italy Political

    The Fascists named Benito Mussolini the Prime Minister of Italy.
  • Germany Economical

    Germany did not make their reparation payment.
  • germany

    french and belgian topps march into the ruhr germanys largest industrial site and german workers begin passive leading to the hyperinflation period
  • Germany Social

    The Reichstag building were the German and Parliament was burned by arson. The Nazi used the fire as an excuse to begin mass arrests of Communist citizens.
  • kato

    he died in 1923, it was followed by a terrible earthquake that devastated Japan in the same year, made necessary a reorganization and reconstruction of the nation's scourged economy.
  • japan

    He took advantage of long-standing relationships he had throughout the government, won the support of the surviving genro and the House of Peers, and brought into his cabinet as army minister Tanaka Giichi, who had a greater appreciation of favorable civil-military relations than his predecessors.
  • Japan Social

    The Great Kanto earthquake devastates Tokyo.
  • Germany Economical

    A new currency called the Rentenmark was introduced.
  • germany

    The NSDAP launches the Beer Hall Putsch, an attempt to seize control of the Bavarian government.
  • Germany Social

    Beer Hall Putsch: Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party failed in an attempt to overthrow the German Government.
  • Germany Intellectual

    Mein Kampf was published which was Hitler's autobiography.
  • Soviet Union Social

    Vladmir Lenin dies.
  • germany

    The treason trial of Adolf Hitler begins, inviting considerable publicity. He is later sentenced to five years’ prison.
  • United States Political

    The immigration act of 1924 was passed which limited the annual number of immigrants that could be admitted in to the country.
  • Italy Political

    Mussolini's fascist party wins national elections.
  • Japan Political

    US Congress approves the Exclusion act which prohibits further immigration from Japan.
  • Soviet Union Political

    Trotskey was forced to resign his military offices.
  • Italy Social

    Italian women are forbiden to teach philosophy, history, Italian language and literature, Latin and Greek in high schools.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    Austen Chamberlin was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Italy Political

    Mussolini becomes the dictator of Italy.
  • Italy Intellectual

    Novelist Grazia Deledda is the first Italian woman awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Germany Political

    Germany joins the League of Nations by unanimous vote.
  • Japan Political

    Japanese Peasent Unions: Labor movement tried to recrute farmers - not many signed up.
  • Japan Economic

    Japan's banking system collapsed.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    King George V opens the National Museum of Wales.
  • United States Social

    The Jazz Singer was released as the first feature length motion picture with dialogue.
  • Great Britain Intellectual

    The Oxford English Dictionary is completed after 70 years of work.
  • Japan Social

    Japan's population is 65 million.
  • United States Intellectual

    Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented the bread slicer.
  • Japan Intellectual

    The first Japanese typewriter was invented by Kyota Sugimoto.
  • United States Political

    Herbert Hoover was elected as the 31st president.
  • United States Social

    The Museum of Modern Art opens in New York.
  • Soviet Union Social

    Trotsky was banished from Soviet Union.
  • United States Economical

    This is the date that the stock market crashed. Unemployment rates skyrocketed. This was the time known as the Great Depression.
  • Japan Political

    Japan signs the London Naval Treaty which was an agreement to reduce Naval warfare.
  • United States Intellectual

    Hans Von Ohain and Sir Frank Whittle both co-invented the jet engine.
  • Germany Political

    The German Federal Election took place.
  • Japan Social

    The Sakuraki was founded which was a secret group of Japanese officers who wanted military dictatorship.
  • Japan Social

    Japan invades Manchuria.
  • Japan Social

    Nationalist military officers assassinate Prime Minister Inukai, attack banks and police stations.
  • United States Social

    Emelia Earhart flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean and was the first woman to do so.
  • germany

    The death of President Hindenburg. Hitler assumes his powers and becomes Fuhrer.
  • germany

    Hitler publicly declares that he will not accept any ministry in the government, other than the chancellorship
  • Soviet Union Political

    The First Five-Year Plan was announced that the plan had been fulfilled.
  • Germany Political

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of the German Reich.
  • Germany Political

    The Enabling Act was passed which declared Hitler a legal dictator.
  • germany

    The Enabling Act is passed, effectively allowing Hitler to pass laws without the Reichstag.
  • germany

    Hitler signs an agreement with Reichswehr generals to downsize the SA and expand the military.
  • Germany Social

    Burning of "un-German" books.
  • United States Economical

    The Dust Bowl strom hit. This was a period of severe dust storms and drought affecting the midwestern states.
  • Japan Intellectual

    Fujifilm Holdings Corporation is founded. This was a Japanese photography and imaging company.
  • Italy Social

    The Italian national football team wins its first FIFA World Cup.
  • Germany Political

    Hitler declares himself fuehrer.
  • Soviet Union Intellectual

    The Writers Union was established.
  • germany

    1935, Germany become a fascist state. The government exercised total control over all political, economic, and cultural activities. The unemployment rate in Germany was epidemic.
  • United States Social

    The first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was held in Ohio.
  • United States Economical

    The Social Security Act was passed which limited poverty and unemployment.
  • Italy Social

    Italy invades Ethiopia.
  • Soviet Union Social

    The Great Purge took place.
  • Germany Social

    The summer olympics were held in Berlin.
  • germany

    Germany signs an anti-communist alliance with Japan to block Soviet expansion.
  • Japan Political

    Japan signs anti-communist pact with Germany and Italy.
  • Soviet Union Social

    Stalin signs a non-aggression pact with Hitler.
  • United States Intellectual

    The Golden Gate Bride in San Francisco was built.
  • Japan Economical

    The second Sino-Japanese war. A war between the republic of China and the empire of Japan.
  • Japan Intellectual

    Canon was founded.
  • Japan Intellectual

    The portable electrocardiograph was invented by Taro Takemi.
  • germany

    Hitler secretly meets military commanders in Berlin and lays out his plans for expansion and war.
  • Italy Political

    Mussolini and Hitler sign the "Pact of Steel."
  • Germany invading Poland

    Germany invading Poland
    The invasion of poland was made by Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingen. This marked the start the begininng of world war two. It began on September 1, 1939. It was one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.