Europe interwar period 1918 1939

1918 - 1939

  • Period: to

    The Treaty of Versailles

    The peace treaty after WWI. The treaty was created signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris between Germany and the Allies. The three most important politicians there were David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson. Hundreds of people were involved in the process and the final signing ceremony. Many wanted Germany, who was led by Friedrich Ebert, smashed.
  • Execution of Czar

    He and his family were executed by the red army in middle of the soviet civil war
  • Rice Riots

    A huge rise in price of rice caused farmers to riot
  • Trotsky's Harsh Measures

    Trotsky worked to prevent desertions or mutinies in the red army. \
  • Irish War of Independence

    Irish War of Independence
    A guerrilla group called the Irish republican army fought British troops to free Ireland from British control.
  • Dail Eireann

    Irish for parliment, this group was formed in 1919 designed to seperate Irish government from the rest of Great Britain.
  • Dail Eireann

    a group formed in 1919 designed to seperate irish government from Great Britain
  • Kiev Captured

    White army ran short of supplies so when Bolheviks attacked the red army captured Kiev
  • Parliment Election

    Friedrich Ebert became the president of the German Republic
  • Milan Fascio

    Benito Mussolini forms a group who wants to eliminate the senate, gaurantee land for poor farmers, and improve working conditions with the help of a single leader instead of democracy.
  • Milan Fasico

    Mussolini formed a group to elimanate the Senate, get land for poor farmers, and improve working conditions with help from a single leader.
  • Fascists Attack

    Italian Fascists Attecked the Office of the Socialist Party's Newspaper
  • The Weimar Republic

    The Weimar Republic
    The Weimar Republic is the name of the new form of government in Germany to replace the imperial form of government.
  • Beginning of the "Jazz Age"

    Beginning of the "Jazz Age"
    Flappers, silent movies and more automobiles on the streets.
  • Period: to

    Roaring 20s

    Americas' total wealth more then doubled.
  • Beginning of the Prohibition Act

    Beginning of the Prohibition Act
    Prohibition in the United States was a national ban on the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol. It was stated as the 18th amendment
  • League of Nations

    Woodrow Wilson creates the league of nations
  • Period: to

    Roaring 20s

    Americas welth more than doubled.
  • Kapp Putsch

    It was a coup attempt to undo the results of the German Revolution of 1918–1919 and overthrowing the Weimar Republic.
  • The Bentley

    The first Bentley luxury cars are delievered to customers in Great Britain.
  • Waren Harding

    Elected President
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    After three years, the Russian Civil War ends, with the Bolshevik the victor.
  • Bloody Sunday

    IRA troops tried to wipe out spies and then British troops drove trucks shooting up the croud
  • National Fascist Party

    An Italian political party, created by Mussolini as the political expression of fascism. The party ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943.
  • Immigration Laws

    Immigration Laws had become more strict. These new laws made it more difficult for foreigners to get into America.
  • Soviet trade aggreements

    UK signs a trade agreement with the Soviets
  • Hirohito visits Britain

  • Anglo-Irish Truce

    Britain relizes irish wouldnt stop fighting so they allowed for their own government
  • First Miss America

    Crowned in Atlantic city
  • Women at Cambridge

    First Women were admitted to University of Cambridge
  • Washington Naval Treaty

    U.S., Japan, France, Britain and Italy agreed to lesson their navys.
  • 9 Power Treaty

    Agreement between U.S. China, Japan, France, GB, Italy, Beljium, Portugal and Netherlands. They agree that everyone should have access to chinese trade
  • Mussolini in Power

    In 1922 the Fascists party had become a significant force in Italian politics. However, Mussolini was not pleased, for he wanted to rule all of Italy. Mussolini led the March on Rome. This march convinced Italy's king to put Mussolini at the head of Italy's government.
  • Secretary of Comminist Party

    Stalin was named secritary of communist Party
  • Treaty of Ropallo

    Soviets and Germany agree to cooperate to help eachother
  • Soviet Sensorshi[

    Soviets sensor media
  • Italian Education

    Italian Children were taught to respect mussolini and learned about military
  • March of Rome

    A group of Fascists marched to take over Rome and the king did not use the army to stop them but instead decided to make Mussolini prime minister.
  • Mussolini moves up

    To prime minister of Italy.
  • The Start of Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union was formed in Russia
  • Dance marathons Began

  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag building were the German and Parliament was burned by arson. The Nazi used the fire as an excuse to begin mass arrests of Communist citizens.
  • Corfu Incident

    Italians Bomb and Occupy the Greek island of Corfu. The Italians claimed the bombing was retaliation for the murder of an Italian general but it was really to begin helping Italy expand it's territory during the war.
  • Canto Earthquake

    Deadliest Earthquake in Japanese history
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party failed in an attempt to overthrow the German government.
  • The Rentenmark

    Germany introduced the rentenmark to stop hyperinflation. It was money that was backed by realstate.
  • Hyperinflation

    German money became worthless. Each U.S. dollar was worth 4,200,000,000,000 marks
  • Toranomon Incident

    Assassination attempt on Princes Hirohito
  • Matteitti Murdered

    Fascists had been fighting with the Socialist and Communist party but on this day they murdered the Socialist leader Metteitti. Five years later Italy had only the Fascist party.
  • Vladimir Lenin Dies

    Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet leader, passed away. Lenin died shortly after the Communist Soviet Union was formed. After a struggle for power, Joseph Stalin becomes the Soviet's leader.
  • Immigration act of 1924

    immigration ast limits asians and europeans coming in
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    The Nazi regieme started to take over and murdered political leaders who opposed them. 85 people died during this purge and 1000 opponents were arrested.
  • Conservative party

    conservative party won general election
  • Churchill as Fiscal leader

    Churchill is named chanselor
  • Dion O'Baion and Al Capone

    The two have a shootout of gangsters in Chicago. Both were bootleggers during prohibitoin.
  • Soviet Japanese basic convention

    Russians and Japanese didnt trust eachother and this was an attempt to ease tentions
  • Germany Increases spending

    Germany residents now spent 65 marks a day.
  • NHK

    1st Japanese radio cooperation is founded
  • Mussolini declares war on Sicilian Mafia

    Mussolini attempted to crush crime bosses in sothern Italy
  • II Duce

    Mussolini named himself supreme leader
  • UK Strike

    Strike lasted 9 days for coal miners
  • World Telephone

    First telephone call form New york to london
  • Period: to

    Italian Secret Police

    Mussolini devolops the Secret Police called the OFRA. They imprisoned a large number of Italians who were against Fascism.
  • Japanese Peasent Unions

    Labor movement tried to recrute farmers and not many joined
  • Showa financial crisis

    Rumors said japanese banks were going bankrupt and 37 went under
  • Musolini begins battle for birth

    Promostes people having kids
  • 1st Movie with Dialogue

  • Soviet 5 year plan

    Soviet 5 year plan
    A list of economic goals is created by Stalin to help the country improve militarily, industrially and fininacially.
  • Trotshy Exilied

    He was kicked out by stalin
  • Germany Annexed Austria

    Hitler demanded that Austrian officials accept annexation by Germany. Many people is Austria had already supported Hilter and the Nazi Party. Austria knew that Germany would take it by force, and that the people supported the unnification with Germany.
  • Mar. 15 Incident

    japanese Govt. cracked down on Socialist and communists
  • Equal Franchise act

    Women of 21 years could vote in GB
  • The Lateran Treaty

    The Lateran Treaty
    An Agreement between Italy and Vatican. It was signed by Benito Mussolini for the Italian government. It was a pact for mutual recognition between the two.
  • Germany Spends even more

    Germany residents now spend 100 marks a day.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Wall St. Stock Market Crash

    Wall St. Stock Market Crash
    or Black Tuesday. It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.
  • Humantarian Relief

    Under FDR govt. gave relief to poor and created jobs
  • Germany Makes Weapons

    The Germans started to rebuild military weapons against the treaty of Versailles.
  • Pontine Marshes

    Mussolini drained the pontine marshes to get rid of malaria
  • London Naval Treaty

    UK, Japan, France, Italy, and U.S agree to limit submarine warfare
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Act. The Smoot-Hawley Act placed heavy taxes on imported goods. Hoover hoped that this act would encourage Americans to buy goods made in the US.However, the act backfired. Instead, other countries increase their tarrifs on American goods. The world trade slowed to a standstill, and furthering the economy back.
  • Wushe Incident

    Wushe People attacked a village and killed 130 people. Japan came back and killed 1000 of them
  • German Federal Election

    The Nazi party increased its number of seats in the government from 12 to 107.
  • Oath to Fascism

    Mussolini forced university professors to swear an oath to only teach Fascism. Media was also censored.
  • The Manchurian Incident

    Japanese military leaders decided to conquer the Manchuria region of northeastern China. The Manchuria region was rich in natural resources such as coal and iron.
  • Sakuraki

    secret group of japanese officers who wanted military dictatorship
  • Pound Serling

    British pound sterling comes off gold standard
  • Statue of Westminster

    Act of Parliment of UK
  • Period: to

    The Soviet Famine

    Goverment force collectivization of AG and created chaos. 6 mil. died of hunger
  • Independence to Iraque

    British govt. returned iraque to self rule
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler became chancellor of Germay. He gained many supporters through his speeches, promising the people to rebuild Germany into a great empire. After Hitler became chancellor, he crushed his opponets in order to keep his position.
  • The Third Reich

    The Nazi party ruled by Adolf Hitler controlled the entire government as leader with all power in his hands.
  • Japan withdraws from the League of Nations

    The League of Nations were angry at Japan's aggressive actions in Manchuria so Japan withdrew from the league of nations
  • The 4-Power Pact

    Britain, France, Germany and Italy signed a treaty to balance power in the region. I t was suggested by Mussolini for international secruity.
  • Prohibition Ends

    Prohibition Ends
    Prohibition ends with the 21st Amendment
  • The Great Purge

    Kirov is assassinated, stalin then kills everyone who opposes him.
  • Frank Lloyd White builds Fallingwater

    His work is considered organic architecture.
  • Italy Invaded Ethiopia

    To boost national prestige
  • King Gorge dies

    he dies at 70 and son becomes king
  • The Anti-Comintern Pact

    Japan and Germany agreed to work together to oppose communism. The following year, Italy joins in on the pact.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    German military troops began making fortifications on the Rhine river. This was in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. This area was right next to Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • Nazis in the Spanish Civil War

    Hitler used the Spanish Civil War as an excuse to test his new military weapons in support of the rebel leader Francisco Franco.
  • Jessie Owens

    Hitler supervising the summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany and states that Blacks and Jews should not be allowed to participate. Jessie Owens ominates the track and field by winning 4 gold medals embarassing Hitler.
  • No Unemployment

    Soviet creates new jobs
  • second Sino-Japanese War

    War Between of Republic China and Empire of Japan
  • Anschluss

    Germany took over Austria
  • Fascists become Antisemitic

    Under pressure from Nazi Germany the Fascists began passing legisaltion against Jews.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish synagougs and shops had windows broken and some burned down
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Hitler and Stalin secretly met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. In the pact, both sides promised not to attack each other. The pact allowed German aggression in Europe to go even further. The pact also had a secret section in which it recognized each side's right to take territory in Eastern Europe. This included dividing Poland into two.
  • Stalin Suggests Alliances

    Stalin tried to alline himself with Britain and France before WW2 but he recieved a lukewarm reception favoring Nazi Germany instead.
  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    Germany invaded Poland for more land. Hitler wanted to expand the German state. The invasion of Poland resulted in the beginning of WWII. Poland requested help from Britain and France and from there WWII had begon.