1917 WWI

  • Germany declares total submarine warfare on merchant ships

    Germany declares total submarine warfare on merchant ships
  • Allied Peace Conditions:

    Imperial Territory of Alsace and Lorraine for France Autonomy of Poland Expulsion of the Turks from Europe Respect for the Italian, Czech, Slovak, Romanian and Slavic ethnic minorities Restoration of monarchies in Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Zimmermann telegram

    Zimmermann telegram
    The Zimmermann telegram was a telegram sent by Arthur Zimmermann on January 16, 1917, to his ambassador in Mexico. In it, the ambassador was instructed to bring a proposal to the Mexican government to form an alliance against the United States. It was intercepted by British intelligence services, and its contents hastened the entry of the United States into the war.
  • US President Woodrow Wilson proclaims "peace without victory"

    US President Woodrow Wilson proclaims "peace without victory"
  • Delivery of peace conditions to Germany

  • Breaking of diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States due to naval incidents and submarines

  • Period: to

    February Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd

    The 1917 February Revolution in the Russian Empire marked the first stage of the 1917 Russian Revolution. It caused the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, ended the Russian monarchy, and led to the formation of a Provisional Government.
  • The British conquer Baghdad from the Turks

  • Foundation of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies

    Foundation of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
    The Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was the Petrograd Soviet, established in March 1917 after the February Revolution as the representative of the city's workers and the soldiers of the capital's garrison.
  • Provisional Committee of the State Duma

    Provisional Committee of the State Duma
    The Provisional Committee of the State Duma was a special government body established on March 12 by deputies of the Fourth Duma at the outbreak of the February Revolution in Russia.
  • Abdication of the last Tsar Nicholas II of Russia at age 48

    Abdication of the last Tsar Nicholas II of Russia at age 48
  • Period: to

    Russian Provisional Government

    The Russian Provisional Government was formed in Petrograd after the tsar's abdication. It consisted of a series of successive cabinets, mainly a coalition between liberal politicians and moderate socialists, who tried unsuccessfully to solve the serious problems facing the country.
  • April Theses

    April Theses
    The April Theses was a series of concepts that were exposed by Lenin, in a speech delivered at the Tauride Palace on April 4, after his return the day before to the then still Russian capital of Petrograd. This thesis postulated the passage to the second phase of the revolution: the conquest of power by the proletariat and the peasantry of the Soviets.
  • United States declares war on Germany and to Austria-Hungary

  • Foundation of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany

    Foundation of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany
    The Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany was a short-lived social democratic political party in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Arras

    The Battle of Arras took place from April 9 to May 16. British, Canadian and Australian troops attacked German trenches near the French city of Arras. The British made the biggest advance to date in trench warfare. The offensive lost steam in the days that followed, allowing the Germans to recover. The battle reached a stalemate for both sides and by its end the British had suffered 160,000 casualties and the Germans some 125,000.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge was part of the Battle of Arras. The main combatants were the four divisions of the Canadian Corps of the First Army, against three divisions of the German Sixth Army. The battle took place from April 9 to 12.
  • Bolshevik coup in Petrograd

  • Period: to

    Nivelle Offensive

    The Nivelle Offensive was a Franco-British operation on the Western Front during WWI. It took place from April 16 to May 9.
  • Lenin calls for all power for the soviets

    Lenin calls for all power for the soviets
    For him, the war could only be stopped and the gains of the February Revolution ensured by giving all power to the soviets. Lenin refused to give any kind of support to the Provisional Government and demanded the confiscation of the land and its subsequent redistribution among the peasants, workers' control over the factories and the immediate transition to a republic of soviets.
  • Greece goes to war with the Allies

  • New Austro-Hungarian Parliament

  • Period: to

    Battle of Messines

    The Battle of Messines was a battle on the Western Front that took place from 7 to 14 June when the British Second Army launched an offensive near the town of Mesen in West Flanders Province.
  • All-Russian Congress of Soviets

    The All-Russian Congress of Soviets was the highest governing body of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union.
  • Greece declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary

  • Period: to

    Kerensky Offensive

    The Kerensky Offensive was the last Russian offensive during WWI and took place in July 1917. Its main objectives were to prevent the transfer of Central Powers troops to the Western Front before the arrival of US forces that were to give the advantage to the Triple Entente, in addition to recovering discipline and the fighting spirit among the Russian troops.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Zborov

    The Battle of Zborov was a small part of the Kerensky Offensive, which took place in July 1917. The battle was the first significant action by the Czechoslovak Legion and the only successful action of the failed offensive.
  • Failure of the Bolshevik coup in Petrograd

    Lenin flees to Finland.
  • The Kriegsschuldfrage

    The Kriegsschuldfrage
    The Kriegsschuldfrage designates the public debate that took place in Germany in order to establish the German part of responsibility in WWI. The debate took place for the most part during the Weimar Republic and was articulated in several phases determined to a great extent by the repercussion of the Treaty of Versailles (1919) and the attitude of the victors.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Mărăşti

    The Battle of Mărăşti was fought between Romanian and Russian units against those of the Central Powers in July and August 1917. The short battle ended in a Romanian victory, more significant for the encouragement it instilled in the reorganized army of the kingdom than for the territorial changes that it produced.
  • Period: to

    Third Battle of Ypres

    The Third Battle of Ypres pitted the British and their allies against the German Empire. The battle took place on the Western Front, between June and November 1917, for control of the roads south and east of the Belgian city of Ypres as part of a strategy decided upon by the Allies at various conferences held in November 1916. and May 1917.
  • Period: to

    Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo

    The eleventh Battle of the Isonzo was a battle fought by the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies on the Italian front between August 18 and September 12, 1917.
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    Battle of Jugla

    The Battle of Jugla was a defensive battle of the 12th Army of the Russian Republic from 1 to 3 September 1917. It was part of the German offensive called the Battle of Riga. The main objective of the Russian 12th Army was to prevent the German 8th Army from crossing the Daugava River and besieging the Russian troops in Riga.
  • Aleksandr Kerensky proclaims the republic in Russia

    Aleksandr Kerensky proclaims the republic in Russia
  • Period: to

    Kornilov coup

    The Kornilov coup was a failed counter-revolutionary coup attempt carried out by the commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, General Lavr Kornilov, in September 1917. The Russian Provisional Government and the Soviets received majority support from the Russian Army. population and made the coup fail a few days after the military uprising.
  • Period: to

    Operation Albion

    Operation Albion was a military and naval operation by the Imperial German Navy in October 1917 to invade the Estonian islands of Ösel, Dagö and Moon, which were part of the Russian Empire.
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    Battle of Malmaison

    The Battle of Malmaison from October 23 to 25 was a battle that marked the final French action of the 1917 campaign, which had begun with the Nivelle Offensive.
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    Twelfth battle of the Isonzo

    The twelfth battle of the Isonzo for the Central Empires, took place from October 24 to November 9. The combat was fought in the vicinity of Kobarid on the Austro-Italian border.
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    October Revolution

    The October Revolution was the second phase of the Revolution. The events began on November 6, and ended on the 8th of the same month.
  • Lenin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, until his death.

  • Period: to

    Lev Kamenev, Chairman of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee

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    Battle of Jerusalem

    The Battle of Jerusalem is a set of clashes between the British Empire and the Ottoman Empire, during the campaign of the same name. The fight took place between November 17 and December 30, the day on which the city surrendered.
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    Battle of Cambrai

    The Battle of Cambrai was the first major tank offensive in history. It started on November 20 and ended on December 6. It was developed near the city of Cambrai, a key supply position for the German Siegfriedstellung.
  • Election of the Russian Constituent Assembly

    The preparation of the elections to the Russian Constituent Assembly was initiated after the February Revolution of 1917 by the Russian Provisional Government which, after several postponements, on August 9 called the elections for November 25. The elections actually took place on the scheduled date, but not the start of the Assembly sessions. The new government that would replace the provisional government had to emerge from that Assembly.
  • US declares war on Austria-Hungary

  • Armistice signing

    Cessation of hostilities on the Eastern Front between Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • Beginning of the negotiations of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk