1885-1915 Nguyen Timeline

By Tam_Tam
  • Congress & Native Indians

    Congress & Native Indians
    Congress authorizes native Indian removal from all states to western prairie
  • Charles X

    Charles X
    Revolution breaks out in Paris, opposing laws of Charles X
  • The First Dishwasher

    The First Dishwasher
    Josephine Cochrane, a housewife from Shelbyville, Illinois, invents and builds the First Dishwater.
  • Automobile Begginnings

    Automobile Begginnings
    Karl Benz, created an automobile called the, "Motorwagen" it only had three wheels.
  • Modern Photograph Film

    Modern Photograph Film
    George Eastman created the modern photograph film technology.
  • First American Golf Course

    Joseph Fox provided the land upon which to build a golf course in located in Foxburg, Pennsylvania. It is the oldest golf course in continuous use in the United States.
  • Kodak Box Camera

    Kodak Box Camera
    Cultural EventsGeorge Eastman introduces the Kodak No 1, a simple and inexpensive Box Camera that enabled people to take pictures.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    President William McKinley wins his second term as president, this time with Theodore Roosevelt in the second spot on the ticket, again defeating William J. Bryan by an Electoral Margin of 292 to 155.
  • World Primary Sytem

    The first direct primary system in the United States is begun in the state of Wisconsin.
  • Major League Baseball

    Major League Baseball
    The first modern World Series of Major League Baseball is held between the American and National Leagues after two years of bitter rivalry.
  • National Rotary Club

    National Rotary Club
    Rotary Club of Businessmen is founded with the first chapter in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Las Vegas, Nevada

    Las Vegas, Nevada
    The city of Las Vegas, Nevada is formed with the sale of one hundred and ten acres in the downtown area
  • 1st Native American Senator

    1st Native American Senator
    The first Native American Senator, Charles Curtis, from Kansas, takes office.
  • William Howards

    William Howards
    William Howard Taft is elected President, 321 to 162 Electoral Votes, over Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan, who had twice before been defeated for the office by William McKinley in 1896 and 1900.