1914 to 1918 WWI timeline

  • Francis Ferdinand assassinated

    Francis Ferdinand assassinated
    -2 On June 28 1914 France Francis Ferdinand was assassinated
    When Francis Ferdinand was assassinated this was a huge deal in the world. Francis was the leader of Austria Hungary and this was the beginning of WWI
  • April 22 1915 Germans use chlorine gas for the first time

    April 22 1915 Germans use chlorine gas for the first time
    -1 -On April 22 1915 the Germans fired 150 tons of chlorine gas also known as mustard gas at 2 French colonial divisions at Ypres, Belgium. As the allied soldiers were waiting for the Germans to attack they were overwhelmed by the fact that the Germans sent no soldiers but instead 150 tons or chlorine gas men figured out that if you did not have a gas mask then you would either die or you could urinate on a towel and put it around your mouth and nose
  • the Lusitania was sunk

    the Lusitania was sunk
    0 May 7 1915 a German submarine sunk a cruise ship called the Lusitania this was such a big deal because it was a civilian ship and there were 128 Americans on the boat one of the main reasons America joined the war
  • The Naval Battle of Jutland May 31 1916

    The Naval Battle of Jutland May 31 1916
    1 The Battle of Jutland began with 250 ships and 100,000 men the battle was fought between Britain and Germany although considered to be a British victory Germany had just pounded the royal navy
  • battle of the Somme begins July 1, 1916

    battle of the Somme begins July 1, 1916
    -2 The battle of the Somme was considered to be the great push by the British this battle turned out to be the biggest disaster in military history, suffering 58000 casualties in the first day but after great sacrifices Britain won the battle
  • Passchendaele October 1917

    Passchendaele October 1917
    0 Passchendaele was a pointless battle that was a couple kilometres of straight mud. Sir Aurther Currie had begged his commanders to wait for the ground to dry up so that the conditions were better to fight in but he was told to advance the attack
  • Vimy Ridge Monday April 9 1917

    Vimy Ridge Monday April 9 1917
    +2 The battle of Vimy Ridge started on Monday April 9 1917 and this battle was carousel battle and many other countries had been trying for a very long time but every attack had failed so they decided to give the Canadians a try with lots of planning the Canadians won declaring themselves as there own country
  • American troops arrive in France

    American troops arrive in France
    +1 The first 14000 men arrived in France on June 16 1917 they took their first salute on French soil. On October 21 the first Americans saw action at in trenches at Luneville sector near Nancy, France
  • Germany and Russia sign peace in March 3 1918

    Germany and Russia sign peace in March 3 1918
    0 Russia now under a new government they decided to pull out of the war and Germany and Russia signed for peace and gave up Finland, Russian Poland, Estonia, Livonia, Courland (now part of Latvia), Lithuania, Ukraine, and Bessarabia
  • November 11 1918 Armistice signed

    November 11 1918 Armistice signed
    +2 On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 all of the gun fire and bombs and artillery went silent there was no screaming no cheering just shock and disbelief that 3 years of non stop fighting and killing with 8.5 million casualties was just all of the sudden over just like that.