Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Due to hazardous work enviornment, a factory caught on fire, killing 145 female workers. It caused an uproar and reforms about the concern of people's safety working on the job sites. -
Minimum Age Law
Around 1910, many children were working in factories or other low class jobs. Only about a small percentage of kids actually attended school and lower percentage of them would graduate high school. The law imposed on a mininum age to work was made to encourage more kids to attend school instead of working. -
WWI (U,S Enters)
The start of World War I lead to mass production of military weapons and other materials manufactured in the U.S that Euopeans purchased from. The U.S benfefited from the war recieving profits while raising their own standard of living. -
Seattle General Strike
Post-World War I broke out with a city-wide labor strike due to the strict control of wages. The strike caused a shut down in nation's steel, coal, and meatpacking industries and threaten civil unrest in a dozen cities. -
18th Amendment
18th Amendment was the ratification to prohibit the manufacure and selling of alchohol beverages. Many inudstries producing alchohol beverages went bankrupt and civilian drinkers became upset with teh action the government took and as a result they went on strike. -
19th Amendment
19th Amendment was the ratification of allowing women to vote. The new set of equlaity amongst men and women began a new era of women working in higher level jobs such as factories and office positions. Massive feminst groups riled up claiming a period where women are equal and thrive in this new world of equality. -
Stock Market Crash
THe selling of stocks at a rapid pace led to an excess of supply and decrese in demand and buying power in which led to a crash in the stock market. Slowly inudstries were getting shut down and the government became largely in debt. It was the start of the Great Depression in which famine and poverty spread across the United States of America.