1910 1919

1910-1919 project

  • Jack Johnson beats Tommy Burns

    Jack Johnson beats Tommy Burns
    Jack Johnson beats Tommy Burns, Jack Johnson became the first black boxer to win the Heavyweight Boxing Championship was when he knocked out the reigning champion Tommy Burns on December 26th, 1910. His victory had stirred up a lot of controversy as well as the desire for a white man to reclaim the title.
  • Sinking of the Titanic

    Sinking of the Titanic
    The Titanic sets sail on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. The Titanic had been described as the worlds most luxurious floating hotel which is unsinkable, and was only 5 days out when she hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic with the loss of many lives. The Titanic was built in Belfast (between 1909 and 1911) and registered in Liverpool in 1912.
  • The 17th Amendment

    The 17th Amendment
    The 17th Amendment goes into effect changing US Senators being chosen by the Legislature to elections involving ordinary voters.
  • First Crossword Puzzle

    First Crossword Puzzle
    The first crossword puzzle was published and created by Arthur Wynne, a Liverpool journalist. It was first published as a "word-cross" puzzle in the New York World.
  • Federal Trade Commission

     Federal Trade Commission
    The Federal Trade Commission was organized following the Federal Trade Commission Act in 1914. Its principal mission is the promotion of "consumer protection" and the elimination and prevention of what regulators perceive to be "anti-competitive" business practices. One of its roles is to enforce antitrust laws.
  • Start Of World War I

    Start Of World War I
    It was the alliances of 1914 that created the reasons for the Great War, with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy's Triple Alliance and Franco-Russian and Entente Cordiale being fairly contradictory to the other countries' expanding empires.
  • First Transcontinental Telephone Call

    First Transcontinental Telephone Call
    First U.S. coast-to-coast long-distance telephone call, facilitated by a newly-invented vacuum tube amplifier, was ceremoniously inaugurated by A.G. Bell in New York City and his former assistant Thomas Augustus Watson in San Francisco, California.
  • First Auto Electric Start

    First Auto Electric Start
    The First Electric Self Start was installed in a Cadillac By GM. Up until this time, all cars needed to be started by cranking a starting handle which was hard work and caused multiple minor injuries when the car backfired during the starting process.
  • Thompson submachine gun

    Thompson submachine gun
    General John T. Thompson invents the Thompson submachine gun (Tommy Gun) and started the Auto-Ordnance Company in 1916. Prior to World War II, it gained notoriety in the hands of Gangsters/Mobsters during the Prohibition era, but in World War II the Thompson submachine gun was adopted by the U.S. military, British and Canadian Commando units, as well as U.S. paratrooper and Ranger battalions.
  • Grand Canyon National Park

    Grand Canyon National Park
    Congress established Grand Canyon National Park which includes the Grand Canyon, a gorge of the Colorado River, considered to be one of the major natural wonders of the world in Arizona. This is considered by many to be one of the earliest successes the environmental conservation movement.