1905 Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Troops Open Fire on Citizens

    Troops Open Fire on Citizens
    Tsarist Troops open fire on innocent demonstrators of the working class in the streets of St. Petersburg. Now being called bloody Sunday.
  • The Grand Duke is Assassinated

    The Grand Duke is Assassinated
    The Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich who was the the Abundantly Despised former Governor of Moscow who was also the uncle to the Tsar was assassinated by an SR agent.
  • The Potemkin Mutiny

    The Potemkin Mutiny
    Several Soldiers on the Russian battleship The Potemkin killed their commanders and took over the ship.
  • The Bulygin Constitution is Unveiled

    The Bulygin Constitution is Unveiled
    The Tsar's Government Unveils the Bulygin Constitution which allowed for the formation of a Duma.
  • October Maifesto

    October Maifesto
    On October 10th 1905 Nicholas the second signed the October manifesto.
  • Lenin Returns

    Lenin Returns
    Lenin Returns to Russia after being Exiled.
  • St. Petersburg Soviet Members Arrested

    St. Petersburg Soviet Members Arrested
    Approximately 250 Members of the St. Petersburg Soviet are taken into custody, reportedly for taking receipt of a large amount of weapons.
  • Uprisings in Moscow

    Uprisings in Moscow
    An uprising in Moscow sees many political and revolutionary groups try to take control of the city.
  • Battle of the Barricades

    Battle of the Barricades
    Mobs throw up barricades throughout Russia.