WW1 (1905-1925)

  • The French government of Combes falls

    The French government of Combes falls
    The churches of France and the government which is called left block. They did not agree on certain laws, which resulted in the Government of combs falling to the defeat of the church.
  • The Italo-Turkish War

    The Italo-Turkish War
    The Ottoman empire had a disagreement with the European powers about the "Eastern Questions". This led to the capture of Balkan Peninsula.
  • First Transcontinental Telephone Call

    First Transcontinental Telephone Call
    Alexander Graham Bell Made the first Transcontinental Telephone call from New York City to to San Francisco, to his friend, Thomas Watson. Alexander said "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you".
  • The Battle of Ypres ( July 31,1917- November 10, 1917)

    The Battle of Ypres ( July 31,1917- November 10, 1917)
    The battle of Ypres also known as, The battle of Passchendaele started in 1917. In beginning of July, the British Empire, Belgium, and France fought against the German Empire in the city of Ypres. This battle is a perfect example of trench warfare. 300,000 British troop members died and 250,000 German troop members died. The British said they won after they took the flag of Passchendaele.