Assassination of Archduke Francis Fredinan
The goal of the assasination originally was to break off Austria-Hungary's South Slav provinces so they could be combined into a Yugoslavia. Little did people know that the chain of readtion started by this event would result into World War I comencing. -
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Gallipoli Campaign
Also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, it was an unscsseful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I. Eventually this resulted in an Ottoman victory which united the Empire. -
German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
During World War I Germany's U Boats sunk many civilian ships that pertained to the US. With tensions building up Germany decided to stop the bombing of all ships. But later on resumed. The US then broke all realations with Germany and became more involved in the War. -
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Bolshevik Revolution
A coup in which Trotsk allong with his followers seized government buildings. From this point on Russia gave birth to a new government with Vladamir Lenin as the head. -
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Civil War in Russia
A both polictial and physical war in which multiple parties faught for controll of a new Russian government. The two sides where the Red Army and the White Army. In the end tthe Red Army won leading towards tthe rise of Lenin. -
Treaty of Brest- Litovsk
During World War I the Russians were losing the war in thier front and had a Civil war to deal with. The Treatyessentially provided an escape from certain complete destruction of Russia. The treaty demanded theat Russia turnover some of its territories to the Germans. The Treaty eventually became invalid by November since Germany lost the war and was under the Allies' grip. -
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Paris Peace Conference
A resolution that ended World War I. The Resultuion determined that Germany was directly responsible for the war. It forced Germany to reduce its army and forced them to pay heavy reperations. -
Mussolini Launches Fascist Movement
A movement founded by former Nationlist Benito Mussolini that advocated Italian nationalism. Eventually Mussolini broke the Itallian government down with the help of his Black Shirts army and created a new one when he marched in Rome with his troops in 1922. -
First Meeting of the League of Nations
The first meeting was held in Geneva were sevral terms were disscussed. unfortunatley the US could not join. Eventaully the League failed in its purpose because its members failed to act on the solutions given at the meetings. Eventually the League failure would be proven by World War II. -
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Lenin's Econmic Policy
After the Lenin and the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War Lenin launched his New Economic Plan that limted economic freedom to rebuild agriculture and industry markets. The Plan eventually became a success. -
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First Five Year Plan
a list of economic goals, created by General Secretary Joseph Stalin. One of the goal specifically required the creation of collevtive farms in which pesants worked on the smae land with the same equipment. Ultimatley this plan made the USSR a leading industrial nation. -
Period: to
US Stock Market Crash
AS the Bbuble began to pop stocks began to decline. Eventually people tried to sell their stocks to no avail. The events began on Black Tuesday through Black Thursday as it has been dubbed. Eventually this is what began the Great Depression. -
Civil Disobedience Movemetn in India
A march from Sabarmati to the Arabian Sea in which every participant carriedd salt and dumped on the sea as a sign of protest from Britian's Salt Acts. The Leader of the protest was Mohandas Gandhi. -
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Japanese invasion of Manchuria
An attack on Manchuria for fear of Chinese Nationalism. In the end Japan established a puppet state called Manchukuo and reign till the end of World War II. Previous to this was the Russo- Japanese war over influence. -
Sandino is Murdered in Nicaragua
Agusto Cesar Sandino a revolutionary during the American occupation of Nicaragua is murdered by National Guardsmen causing General Somoza Garcia to take charge of Sandino's work and later become the president of Nicaragua ussuring a dictatorship and dynasty that dominated Nicaragua for the next four decades. -
Hitler is Ruler in Germany
With the rise of the Nazi party Hitler upped his ranks by conviencing the current president to give more and more power. Litle by little the Nazi party had more political control and eventually on August 19 a vote was cast o make unite the position of Chancellor and Presidency. By the 90 peerncent marigin hitler was now not just the Chancellor but the President of Germany. -
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Long March by Chinese Communists
A millitary retreat invlovling civiliians in which the Comuunist Party of China retreated 6,000 miles from the Nationlist Party under the leader ship of Jiang Jieshi. -
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Stalin's "Great Purge" in USSR
A period of time were Joseph Stalin pushed to build a socialism and new society under his vision. He did so with brute force of the police and ordered various executions. The Pruge began with the Moscow Trials wich aressted people who went against Stalin. The Purge ended when joint decree of Sovnarkom USSR and Central Committee of VKP and the subsequent order of NKVD undersigned by Beria, orderd a halt to the excutions. -
Invasion of China by Japan
The invasion somewhat was due to the lack of resources Japan had but in addition started the Eaastern Theatre of War for World War II. Previous to this was the invasion of Manchuria which escalted into tensions over dominating China for both economical and resource extraction reasons. This also began the second Sino- Japanese War. -
German Auschluss with Austria
Being a native Austrian Hitler dreamed of annexing his country to that of Germany. So he bullied the Chancellor of Austria and many others through the established Nazi Party that had commenced there since the 1930s. This wasn't enough however so in order to annex the country so German foreign minister Hermann Goering then faked a crisis by engineering a “plea” for German assistance from inside the Austrian government. So Hitler sent troops and finally anexxed or got his auschluss. -
Cardenas Nationalizes Oil Industry in Mexico
A decleration by the Mexican president that declared that all mineral and oil reserves found within Mexico belong to the government. This was also part of the industrial revolution for Mexico. -
Invasion of Poland by Germany
The invasion signalled the beginning of World War II. The goa lof the invasion was to bring living space for German people, and colonize the terriotory and enslave the natives. -
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German Invasion of USSR
Known as Operation Barbarossa. This was a failed attempted for Germany controll of the USSR. The idea was to conquer the USSR enslave the Salvics and exterminate the Jews. This proved differently though, the USSR fought back hard and forced Germany to fight a two-front war against a coalition possessing immensely superior resources. -
Soviet Victory at Stalingrad
A battle between the Soviet Union and Germany during World War II that resulted in the Soviet Union winning. This ultimatley caused a turning point in the war. The Germans previously occupied the Eastern Front of the war but this battle changed this and showed that vitory was possible. -
D- Day, Allied invasion at Normanday
Known as Operation Neptune the infamous D- Day was the largest seaborne operation in history in an attempt to liberate German-occupied northwestern Europe from Nazi control. The Operation was succesful but at a heavy price. It ultimatley made the Allied forces commence a path towards victory of World War II. -
Capture of Berlin by soviet Forces
The final push for Berlin occupied by Germany. This resulted in the suicide of Adolf Hitler and brought and end to the Nazi party and was in a sense the second end of the war for World War II. The capture of Berlin however would play a tremendous role in the Cold War and would be the site of the famous Iron Curtain -
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Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The world's first atomic bombs that were launched in Japan. This essentailly ended World War II completely wiping both cities off the map. It also brought up various concerns for the capabilities of atmoc weaponary. In addition it brought a massive scare as to what a Nuclear war would look like and if it would be the end of humanity. -
Establishment of United Nations
After the events of World War II the League of Nations was replaced with the United Nations Organization in hopes of stoping world conflicts. This would later prove to be affective leading in to the Gulf War. -
Partition of India
Going into 1940 the Muslim League sub divided territories in India and Pakistan to stop Independence, which back fired creating more conflict. As a result when Independences was granted to India, Lord Louis Mountbatten proposed parition. It was on this day at mid night when India and Pakistan were granted political independence thus settling the score for political borders between the two states and resolving the issue. -
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Arab- Israeli War
A war over boling tensions between Arabs and Jews at its heighest point. Essentially Palestine was overun with Jews and Arabs. The Arabs hating the Jews. The war eventaully drove the Arabs out of Palestine. Around this time Britian was about to end its mandate on Palestine and when it did the Jews declared it the state of Israel. -
Creation of Israel
The creation of Israel or ex Palestine was the result of Britian lifting up thier mandate over the state. Previous to this many Jews migrated to Palestine starting a war which the Jews won by the creation of Israel. -
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Apartheid in South Africa
A period of time when the NAtional party gained power in South Africa and issued racial laws that dived the citizens into two seprated areas with little to no contact between each other. This system of segregation was called apartheid. The poltical leader countering this was Nelson Mandela who was later imprisoned and then set free in 1990. Four year later apartheid would officailly end with the non racial election of 1994 which later sprouted and new constitution. -
Human Rights Decleration Adopted
After World War II the United Nations passes the Human Rights Decleration defining the basic rights of any living being which willl play a bigger role in the wars to come. It also gives the UN a right to act if any of these rights are ignored. -
Establishment of NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO was a military alliance that went against the Soviet Union. It also influenced American ideals in Europe. Little by little though more countries joined and still exsists to this day. -
Establishment of People's Republic of China
Following Mao Zedong's victory over Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Moa began the republic of China. He based it under the ideal of Socialism and favored communism.Mao however would lead a unsuccesfull reign with his Great Leap Forwrd movment that backfired. -
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Korean War
Known as the forgoten war, the Korean War was a short war when Soviet occupied North Korea attacked United States occupied South Korea. S. Korea eventaully pushed N. Korea to China's borders in which China entered the war and pushed South Korea to its original border. The war ended in a statlmate with all parties resighding at their orignal borders. -
French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
The defeat signaled the end of colonial rule from France in Indo China lead by Hochi Minh. The last remaining frrench troops were held at Dien Bien Phu and were later forced to surrender. With this the Geneva Accords would later be implemented and tensions from the US not wanting Vietnam to become a comunnist country would lead later on into the Vietnam War. -
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Algerian War of Liberation
A war between Alergia and France for Algerian independence. In addition to this the war at the same time was civil. There were two sides. The Algerians who supported France and the Algerians who were nationalists. -
Establishment of Warsaw Pact
A treaty between the Soviet Union declaring that a mutual defense organization that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states. In a sense the Anti NATO. -
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Uprising in Hungary
The uprising originally began as student protest which esclated intto something bigger. Essentially the uprising was to crush the Soviet controlled Hungarian government. It unfortunatley failed and resulted in the deaths of 2,500 Hungarians. -
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Suez Crisis
A failed invasion by Israel, the U.K., and France to regain Western control of the Suez Canal and to remove Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser from power. The result ended in Birtain suffering heavy losses. The canal was under Britian controll but was ussless because of the damge it took. In addition the U.S. and the USSR pressured all three parties to withdraw which they did. -
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Great Leap Forward in China
Moa Zedong's failed acceleration of Chinese development to industralize china through small based scale workshops. This ultimatley led to a great famine and the result of 30 million deaths. -
Castro comes to power in Cuba
Fidel Castro rose to promise in Cuba first as the prime minister and then president. He gained and sided with the USSR and was involved in the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis. Essentially he led a communist Cuba. -
Construction of Berlin Wall
The wall orginally started construction in August 12 but it was offically finshed on the 15th. The wall represented the rise of the USSR and dived west democratic Berlin with East communist Berlin.In the end it imprisoned those who tried to run away from the East. -
US Troops in Vietnam
As tensions in Vietnam began growing between the North and the South president Lyndon B. Johnson began sending U.S. ground troops to controll the situation. This was more specifically a direct response to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This essentially began the Vietnam war for grounded forces. -
Sino- Soviet Rift
A time period were China and Russia proved to the world that they were not part of the same side during the Cold War. The conflict rose through several conflicting issues but gained its height during the Sino- Soviet border conflict. The conlfict arose between issues and arguments surounding the borders of China and the USSR. Politically the rift was a moral fact by 1965 but in a political aspect the rift or split occured by the end of the Sino - Soviet border conflict in September 11, 1969. -
Revolution in Iran
A chain of events predating from 1978 that escalated by January 1979. The goal of the revolution was over throw Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlav who went into exile and to replace the secular government it had for a Islamic republic. This would eventually tie into the Iran hostage crisis involving the United States. -
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Iran- Iraw War
A war over a variety of reasons mainly over border ddisputes and fear from the Iranian revolution. In the end Iraq lost whilst Iran lost as well in trying to over throw Saddam Hussein. It kind of ended in a stalemate. -
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Soviet Withdrawl from Afghanistan
Previous to this the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in hopes of re stablizing the comunist government Afghanistan had. Later on, under the Geneva Afghan Afghhanistan demanded that Soviet forces be removed. -
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Persian Guld War
Coming out of a war with Iran, Iraq invades Kuwait causing a massive chain reaction lead mostly by the United States to counter attack Iraq. The war eventaully resulted in a defeat for Iraq and an establishment of both American and British troops in Iraq. This would lead more ties into the Iraq war. -
Collapase of USSR
Though many see the collapase of the USSR with the fall of the Berlin Wall the completely desolution of the USSR came in decleration no. 142-Н which acknowledged the independence of the former Soviet republics and created the Commonwealth of Independent States. -
Transfer of Hong Kong to China
Previous to this, Britian took Hong Kong from China in 1841 and signed a treaty with China that allowed them to ocupy the area until 1997. The Brithish established a capitalist economy and in the treaty stated that Britian would hand Hong Kong only if it remained that way. -
Camp Established at Guantanamo Bay
A U.S. detention facility located on the coast of Guantánamo Bay in southeastern Cuba. Originally it is spposed to house terrorists and is the subject of various controversies over abuse torture methods. -
International Outbreak of SARS
The virus reached its apex when a bussinuess man got sick and evetually died while taking a plane. This soon started an outbreak in China that spread to Hong Kong and so on and so forth. Eventually a group effort from multiple countries and organizations contained the virus. The virus reach Canada in less than a day of its conception. -
Terrorist Attack on London Subway
A series of three almost simultaneously attacks from Muslism extremists. The targets were to kill as many civilians as possible. The response promted a massive shutdown of all subways and an enourmous investigation on other possible terrorists. In September 2005 al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri claimed partial responsibility for the bombings however the amount of involvment they had in the attacks remains vague.