

  • Solar Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse
    A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth’s surface.
  • Discovery of Pluto

    Discovery of Pluto
    Pluto is a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet travels around, or orbits, the sun just like other planets. But it is much smaller. Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. It was classified as a dwarf planet in
  • Supermoon

    A super moon is when the moon becomes really close to Earth. It(the moon) has not been as big since 1948. 14th November 2016 will be the next biggest super moon since 1948.
  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    The Apollo 1 would have been launched on February 21, 1967, but Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee lost their lives when a fire swept through the Command Module for a preflight test (CM). The astronauts entered the Apollo at 1:00 p.m., Friday, 27 January 1967.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was a mission where Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins launched to the moon. They were known as the 'first men on the moon'.
  • Halley's comet

    Halley's comet
    Halley's comet was first discovered in 1788 and the next comet will be in July 28th 2061. It returns to earth every 75 years.
  • Mars Rover

    Mars Rover
    The mars rover was used to determine if there was life on Mars. NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Mission (MER) is an ongoing robotic space mission involving two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, exploring the planet Mars. It began in 2003 with the sending of the two rovers—MER-A Spirit and MER-B Opportunity—to explore the Martian surface and geology. If the trip didn't kill you, the living would.
  • Mars Express

    Mars Express
    Mars Express is a space exploration mission being conducted by the European Space Agency. The Mars Express mission is exploring the planet Mars, and is the first planetary mission attempted by the agency.
  • Blood Moon

    Blood Moon
    The orange and red tints that the Sun and Moon sometimes take on are caused by the particles in the Earth's atmosphere. Blood Moon's don't happen very often, so the people who see it are very lucky.
  • Harvest Moon

    Harvest Moon
    A Harvest moon is the full moon that is seen nearest to the time of the autumn equinox.