1900-1920 By: Anavya Jernigan

  • William McKinley is elected president

    William McKinley is elected for president for his second term.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    Theodore Roosevelt was William McKinley's vice president, and, on this date, William McKinley was assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt had to assume presidency.
  • The Election of 1904

    Theodore Roosevelt defeated Alton B. Parker in the 1904 presidential election.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    The Roosevelt Corollary was added to the Monroe Doctrine, which gave the US right to intervene in the foreign affairs of other countries on that hemisphere.
  • The Jungle was published

    The book ¨The Jungle" was published which showed the unsanitary working conditions of many industries during that time.
  • Sixteenth Amendment Ratified

    The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified, which gave Congress the right to impose federal income taxes.
  • Seventeenth Amendment Ratification

    The Seventeenth Amendment was ratified and it gave the voters the right to directly vote for their Senators, instead of the Senators being voted in by a state legislature.
  • Lusitania was sunk

    The Lusitania was a ship that carried American passengers and was attacked by German submarine missiles. This event caused plenty of outrage in America and is one of the main reasons why the US joined the war.
  • United States joins WW1

    The US joined its allies Britain, France, and Russia, to fight against the Axis Powers.
  • WW1 ends

    Germany surrenders the war, giving victory to the Allies.
  • Eighteenth Amendment Ratified

    The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified, which prohibited the consumption of alcohol.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed and placed strict restrictions on Germany, including limiting their army and forcing them to pay back the damages they caused.
  • The Nineteenth Amendment Ratification

    The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, which gave women the right to vote.