
  • Foraker Act

  • William Mckinley assassination

  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

  • U.S. requires Panama Canal

  • Wright brothers make the first controlled, sustained flight in heavier-than-air aircraft at Kitty

  • San Francisco Earthquake

  • William Howard Taft becomes president

  • Woodrow Wilson becomes president

  • 17th Amendment is ratified

  • Panama canal opens for travel

  • First long distance telephone service, between New York and San Francisco, is demonstrated.

  • U.S. agrees to purchase Danish West Indies (Virgin Islands) for $25 million.

  • Jeannette Rankin of Montana is the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • World War I: U.S. enters World War I, declaring war on Germany (April 6, 1917) and Austria-Hungary (Dec. 7, 1917) three years after conflict began in 1914

  • Wilson begins 2nd term as president

  • First regular airmail service begins, with one round trip a day between Washington, DC, and New York

  • Influenza epidemic strikes

  • Armistice is signed ending WWI

  • League of Nations meet for the first time but the U.S. is not present

  • 18th amendment is ratified

  • 19th amendment is ratified allowing women to vote

  • Outline for the Treaty of Versailles is rejected by the senate